50th Anniversary

50th Anniversary

In 2010, coinciding with the Presidency of Professor Bernardo Rodr?guez-Iturbe, the ISN celebrated its 50th anniversary. One of the highlights of the anniversary year was a scientific meeting inspired by the themes from the first ISN congress in 1960, reflecting on the past and looking into the future.

50th Anniversary Film

To celebrate ISN’s 50th Anniversary and showcase the many global outreach and humanitarian activities its involved in worldwide, ISN commissioned a short film entitled “Turning Their World Around” which highlights some of the visionary leaders, volunteers and programs advancing nephrology around the world. You can watch the short (4 minutes) and full (13 minutes) version of the film on this page.

Short Video

Long Video



ISN 50 Years Panel Discussion broadcast live over the Internet


ISN 50 Years Anniversary Website

ISN History Downloads

pdf_icon The History of ISN by R.Robinson and G. Richet (pdf, 15.1 MB)

2010 Task Force Members

Chair:  Bernardo Rodr?guez- Iturbe (Venezuela)

Qais Al Awqati (USA)
Rashad Barsoum (Egypt)
John Stewart Cameron (UK)
William Couser (USA)
John Feehally (UK)
Leon Fine (USA)
Jean Pierre Grunfeld (France)
Julie Ingelfinger (USA)
Norbert Lameire (Belgium)
Eberhard Ritz (Germany)

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