Thanks in advance for the answers and thanks ISN for this valuable project!!! I have a 32 year old female person with clinical SLE and presenting with nephrotic syndrome. Five years ago, she had proteinuria, pancytopenia, and few other features of SLE and was treated successfully with prednisolone alone.
She came to see me again 4 months ago and prednisolone 1 mg/kg/day was given but there is no change at all after 3 months. There is no kidney biopsy available in Cambodia, and CellCept was added with prednisolone wean off slowly.
She is gradually improving, edema is almost gone (without diuretic) and at the end of one month, there is only trace proteinuria, albumin comes back to low limit of normal. She is now on 2.5 g of CellCept and 15 mg of prednisolone. She is 58 kg.
My questions are how long should I continue CellCept and in what dose? Should I completely take off prednisolone? What would be the best things to do? Is there any alternatives, I mean cheaper alternatives as she always says it will cost her a lot? And, if there is relapse again, what should I do?