Adeera Levin

smallWKD Logo_2012_4emailMarch 8, 2012 is Wolrld Kidney Day. This year we are focusing on the importance of kidney transplantation and donation, spreading the word on the effectiveness of this form of treatment. The last 50 years have seen the development of new medications and approaches – improving the lives of kidney transplant recipients. The importance of including transplantation as a treatment option for all cannot be overstated. Nonetheless, the legacy of transplantation is unfortunately threatened by organ trafficking and transplant tourism.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011 14:11

Investing in the future and reviewing the past

IMG_1931 There is really not enough space to describe all the history of kidney research and care in China. In Beijing alone, five short-term ISN visiting scholars and six ISN Fellows have contributed to kidney disease care and research in China.

I was honoured to join an ISN Continuing Medical Education course in Beijing, which focused on clinical trials methodology and clinical research initiatives. Most impressive was the attentiveness of the audience, the enthusiasm of the speakers and the context of this initiative.

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