November, 6th 1999
N. Lameire (Chairman), K. Solez, E. Schor, G. Porter
Invited : R. Vanholder, M. Hales, M. Younes-Ibrahim
- Activities of the Renal Disaster Relief Task Force – European Branch
A brief overview of the activities of the Task Force is given. Interventions have been
done in Moldova, Macedonia and Kosovo, and at the occasion of the Marmara earthquake
(Turkey). Help was offered, but not needed in Taiwan, Mexico and Greece.
The actions to be undertaken to have an active operational group for the Americas is
discussed. It is suggested that they recur to similar structures as M?decins sans
Fronti?res, who are the Task Forces partners in Europe. It is suggested to do so with MsF
America. As an alternative solution, it is suggested to do this with the Vancouver group –
Northwest Medical Team. George Porter will contact them.
There has been a generous offer from the National Kidney Foundation for support. Apart
from eventual financial support, they could be of major help in identifying potential
volunteers, nurses as doctors. The same can be done for Latin America by the Latin
American Society of Nephrology. Nestor Schor will take care of that.
- Latin American conference on ARF
Dr. Younes-Ibrahim announces that from 17-19/5/00 the Second Latin American
Congress on ARF will be held in Rio de Janeiro. Support is asked and obtained from ISN.
The meeting will officially be endorsed by ISN, but financial support cannot be obtained.
It is advised to seek the help of sponsoring companies such as the major dialysis
companies. George Porter will help in that process.
- Composition of the commission of ARF
In 2001, Norbert Lameire steps down as President of the Commission on ARF. It is
proposed that he will be succeeded by Joseph Bonventre. This proposal is accepted. It is
also proposed and accepted that Raymond Vanholder becomes member of the commission, and
that the European branch of the Task Force would remain in Gent.
At the Executive Meeting on November 8th, 1999 the Executive requested that N. Lameire
would continue the chairmanship of the Commission beyond 2001, especially for continuing
the organization of the Task Force world-wide.
- Eventual Satellite Symposium of the ISN-ASN meeting in 2001 (San Francisco)
In view of the rather poor attendance of this year’s satellite in Santiago,
and in view of the probably extensive program of the combined ISN/ASN meeting, the
commission proposes to omit the organization of a satellite on ARF in San Francisco. The
main arguments of the commission are the desire not to divert the attention and attendance
from the San Francisco meeting. In return, the Commission expects to have a
“spot” in the program, clearly “earmarked” as ISN Commission ARF. If
it would be organized, however, candidates are R. Mehta (San Diego) or G. Porter
(Portland). It is considered better to suggest speakers for the ISN/ASN combined meeting
and to ask for a specific space in the program, controlled by the commission (e.g. half a
On the other hand it is suggested to organize a satellite in conjunction with the
ISN/EDTA meeting, in Berlin in 2003. N. Lameire proposes to organize this in Gent,
Proposal has been accepted.
At the Executive Meeting on November 8th, 1999, however, the Executive insisted on
organising a Satellite in 2001. Following this, G. Porter, proposed San Diego and R. Mehta
principally agreed. N. Lameire will discuss this in more detail with Ravi in March 2000,
at the occasion of the CRRT meeting.
- Specific problems related to Kosovo
Kim Solez remarks that there are specific needs in Kosovo, as most nurses and doctors
over there, who run the dialysis units now, are not experienced. Steps will be undertaken
to send instructors. For the financing, contacts have been made with the US State
Department of Global Technology. The intention of this institute is to enforce the contact
with Kosovo through Internet. A visit will be made by Kim Solez early in December to
identify the specific needs.
The meeting adjourns at 8.00 am