John Feehally

John Feehally

John Feehally

John Feehally is a Consultant Nephrologist at Leicester General Hospital and Honorary Professor of Renal Medicine at the University of Leicester, UK.

Vellore, Tamil Nadu in southern India in January. Warm and pleasant, rather like a good English summer but the locals say it is a bit too chilly! I am glad January was chosen for my ISN Educational Ambassador visit to the Christian Medical College (CMC) – before the monsoon season and the seriously hot weather in the middle of the year.


This presentation was given by John Feehally, ISN Programs Chair and Consultant Nephrologist at Leicester General Hospital United Kingdom. It was presented at the Meeting Update on Pathology and Management of Lupus Glomerulonephritis in Yangon, Myanmar from 9-10 August, 2014. 

Thursday, 23 October 2014 07:35

Membranous Nephropathy


This presentation was given by John Feehally, ISN Programs Chair and Consultant Nephrologist at Leicester General Hospital United Kingdom. It was presented at the Meeting Update on Pathology and Management of Lupus Glomerulonephritis in Yangon, Myanmar from 9-10 August, 2014. 

Thursday, 23 October 2014 07:23

Management challenges in IgA nephropathy


This presentation was given by John Feehally, ISN Programs Chair and Consultant Nephrologist at Leicester General Hospital United Kingdom. It was presented at the Joint Congress: ‘17th Latin-American Society Congress of Nephrology and Hypertension, 7th IberoAmerican Congress of Nephrology and 30th Congress of Chilean Society of Nephrology’ from 20–23 August, 2014 in Santiago de Chile, Chile. 


This presentation was given by John Feehally, ISN Programs Chair and Consultant Nephrologist at Leicester General Hospital United Kingdom. It was presented at the Joint Congress: ‘17th Latin-American Society Congress of Nephrology and Hypertension, 7th IberoAmerican Congress of Nephrology and 30th Congress of Chilean Society of Nephrology’ from 20–23 August, 2014 in Santiago de Chile, Chile. 

Monday, 18 August 2014 13:03

ISN returns to Myanmar for CME

Ward rounds Myanmar JFBecause of previous political restrictions, this was the first ISN visit to Myanmar since the late 1990s when a number of visits were made involving senior ISN leaders (including Clarkson, Dirks, Schrier, Atkins and Kerr). During the restrictions, healthcare spending was severely restricted (1.5% of GDP). There has now been significant change with the arrival of the new government. Healthcare expenditure is growing and it is expected to reach 5% of GDP in the next two to three years.

ISN is a global organization with many ‘moving parts’, and has organically grown over the last 50 years. With the changing needs of the nephrology community, technical and economic advances around the world, ISN has recognized the importance of improving our ability to hear the advice, concerns and opportunities from all regions of the world.

Monday, 31 March 2014 00:02

Thrombotic Microangiopathy

This presentation was given by former ISN President (2011-2013) and current ISN Global Outreach Core Committee Chair John Feehally as a part of the 7th European Renal Pathology Course held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 22-24 May 2013.

This presentation was given by former ISN President (2011-2013) and current ISN Global Outreach Core Committee Chair John Feehally as a part of the 7th European Renal Pathology Course held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 22-24 May 2013.

Sunday, 30 March 2014 23:52

Tubulo-interstitial disease

This presentation was given by former ISN President (2011-2013) and current ISN Global Outreach Core Committee Chair John Feehally as a part of the 7th European Renal Pathology Course held in Amsterdam, the Netherlands from 22-24 May 2013.

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