Endorsed Meetings
The International Society of Nephrology values the exchange of science and providing education in the form of organized meetings/workshops and therefore would be pleased to consider endorsing events of high scientific and educational quality that would benefit the renal and related scientific communities.
The ISN Executive Committee and Council recently adopted a formal policy on the endorsement of meetings in order to ensure that ISN’s endorsement will continue to be a designation of value to our partners. The more formal procedure was also designed in order for ISN to review the numerous endorsement requests for congresses, Symposia, Postgraduate Courses, or Workshops in a consistent and transparent manner.
ISN endorsed or sponsored meetings MUST be compliant with published ISN policies on medical/ethical issues including the Declaration of Istanbul’ on organ trafficking. ISN has pledged to take measures to protect the poorest and vulnerable groups from transplant tourism and the sale of tissues and organs, including attention to the wider problem of international trafficking in human tissues and organs. ISN expects its partners to adhere to this statement; non-compliance will result in future requests not being eligible for support or endorsement.
Only meetings that are officially endorsed by ISN or supported as an ISN-GO CME may use ISN’s logo on conference related materials.
Any society, group, member or individual working in the field and organizing such a scientific event may apply to ISN for the endorsement of the event. Please download the below document in order to view the Policy on Endorsement and Support of Meetings and Workshops’, ISN’s criteria, application procedure, expectations and derived benefits.
ISN endorsement does not normally include financial support for the event.
All upcoming ISN events, endorsed meetings as well as meetings organised by partnering and related organizations can be located on the Global Events Calendar.
ISN Policy on endorsement of meetings