Renal Pathology Committee – ISN Information – The ISN Website

Renal Pathology Committee

The committee has the goal of participating in and facilitating CME activities where renal pathology elements are sought. In addition, they may organize renal pathology courses or master classes, and implement those depending upon available financial support. They continue their efforts to ensure that renal pathology is practiced and supported in renal sister centers, as well as searching for support of the Centers of Excellence in Renal Pathology. Lastly, they also aim to encourage renal pathology applicants for the ISN Fellowship Program.


Two grants have been awarded to the below hospitals in order to develop true centers of pathological excellence. The projects are undertaken in accordance with pathologists and nephrologists. The most recent progress reports can be viewed here below.

Renal Pathology Center Chile: Hospital Valdivia, Renal Pathology Lab.: D. Carpio (pathologist) and S. Mezzano (nephrologist)

Renal Pathology Center Brazil: North Brazilian Centre of Pathology: F. Filho (pathologist) and S. Melo (nephrologist)

The committee aims to continue following up on the success of the Centers of Excellence in Renal Pathology, and develop a plan for a proposal for adding Guatemala as such a center. In addition, the committee will develop plans for training opportunities and furthering of excellence in renal pathology in Russia and in China.

pdf_icon Chile-Renal Pathology Center Progress Report (pdf, 19.3 KB)

pdf_icon Brazil Renal Pathology Center Progress Report (pdf, 8.7 KB)

Committee Membership (WCN2013-WCN2015)

Chair: Agnes Fogo (USA)

Charles Alpers (USA)
Arthur Cohen (USA)
Terry Cook (United Kingdom)
Vivette D’Agati (USA)
Carmen D’avila (Mexico)
Charles Jennette (USA)
Luiz Moira (Brazil)
Lorraine Racusen (USA)
Surya Seshan (USA)
Jan Weening (Netherlands)
Wesam Ismail (Egypt)
Gang Liu (China)
William Bates (South Africa)
Laura Sola (Uruguay)

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