International Society of Nephrology  – News and Announcements

International Society of Nephrology

Emerging Biotechnologies and Their Application to Renal Biology
September 13-16, 2003
Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming


Gregory Germino, Steve Gullans and Robert Cole



By application only!!!


Estimated at $500-700
(U.S. currency) based on double occupancy with another attendee: Total
includes registration, lodging, meals, group activities, and program materials.
Final cost will be determined by final amount of corporate sponsorship.
A limited number of single rooms are available ($250 surcharge for single

Room Deposit:


$250 by July 15th,
along with completed application form. Checks should be made payable (in
U.S. dollars) to “Forefronts in Nephrology” and submitted with
the form. If you desire a single room (or wish to share with a non-attendee),
please add an additional $250. If your request cannot be filled, the extra
funds will be applied to the final total.

Please note that the
form asks if there are any other persons (spouses, significant others,
children, etc.) that might accompany you to the meeting and wish to participate
in the group activities. This information is needed so that we can be
sure that we reserve sufficient space for our activities.

Partial List
of Speakers:
Rick Lifton, HHMI
and Yale; David Beier, Brigham and Women’s and Harvard; Reuven Agami, The
Netherlands Cancer Group; Norbert B. Ghyselinck, INSERM, Strasbourg, France;
Mark Knepper, NHLBI/NIH; Tom Kerppola, HHMI and Michigan; Erwin Bottinger,
Albert Einstein; Steve Gullans, Brigham and Women’s and Harvard; Robert
Cole, Johns Hopkins; John Rioux, Whitehead and MIT Center for Genome Research;
Rakesh Dixit, Merck.
A block of rooms has
been reserved at the Jackson Lake Lodge. It is necessary that we know as
soon as possible the number of rooms that will be needed by participants
and accompanying persons, and for how many days. A small number of rooms
are available for the evenings of 09/12 (one day prior) and 09/16 (one day
after) at additional cost.
Refund Policy: We will make every
effort to refund deposits/registration fees in the event of a personal or
family emergency, as funds and contractual obligations allow.
Travel Awards: A number of Young Investigator
Travel Awards ($750) are available to help defray costs of meeting/travel.
Please complete
(PRINT CLEARLY) and return the application form and check as soon as possible
Application form: Forefronts in Nephrology 


Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine
Nephrology / Ross 958
720 Rutland Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21205
Telephone: 410-614-1650
Fax: 410-614-5129
E-mail: [email protected]


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