An ISN Regional Workshop will take place in St-Petersburg on September 16, 2015 at 4.30pm. It will be held in conjunction with Renal Week and the Russian Dialysis Society Congress. An opportunity not to be missed as ISN Regional Workshops are now the go-to meeting to meet participants and leaders involved in the ISN Programs.
ISN Programs Chair John Feehally and ISN Continuing Medical Education Program Chair Fredric Finkelstein will join discussions alongside representatives from the New Independent States (NIS) and Russia Board including co-chairs Elena Zakharova and Irma Tchokhonelidze.
The session will take place on September 16, 2015 from 4.30pm to 6pm in St-Petersburg, Russia at the Conference-Hotel Azimut (room Azimut).
The agenda has been set as follows:
- Welcome, purpose of workshop and overview of ISN Programs by John Feehally
- ISN Program activity in the last two years by Elena Zakharova (co-Chair- Russia)
- Activities of the ISN Regional Board by Irma Tchokhonelidze (co-Chair NIS)
- ISN Programs in practice by Boris Bikbov (Russia) and Aleh Kalachyk (Belarus)
This event is open to the public and is a unique chance to meet directly with the ISN leaders and discuss local and regional needs for ISN Programs to strengthen the connections between ISN and the region.
Whether you are a member of ISN or not, come and join the discussions and find out everything there is to know about the ISN Programs. These programs offer a broad range of educational and training activities to the developing nephrology community. Many of them take place onsite and respond to local needs. If you are in the region, don’t hesitate to come to this event.
Previous workshops have taken place in India, Latin America and Africa. Find out more about the ISN Programs HERE. Find out more about the ISN Regional Boards, CLICK HERE.