Renal Disease in Racial and Ethnic
Minority Groups
Official Satellite Conference to the 2001 World Congress of Nephrology
October 18-20, 2001
Call for Abstracts
General Information
- Abstracts must be received by 7 August 2001. If you are eligible, please study the
detail regarding Scholarships which is included with this registration package.
- We are happy to receive abstracts relating to posters that you will be presenting at the
World Congress. There are no problems about the exhibition of these posters at Santa Fe,
but we will need to process these abstracts. Please send a covering note with your
abstract indicating that it is presented at the World Congress.
- Free communications submitted to the conference will be displayed as posters.
- Each poster will be displayed for the duration of the conference and tea breaks will be
taken in the poster areas to give authors the opportunity to discuss their work with the
other delegates. Posters should be mounted by 6:00pm on Thursday 18 October, prior
to the opening reception which will be held in the poster area.
- The posters should be relevant to renal disease in racial and ethnic minorities.
Notification of acceptance will be made in mid August 2001.
- There will be two prizes awarded of US$500 each. One to the best overall poster, and one
to the best poster from an author from an emerging country on work in that country.
- Abstracts must be signed and submitted on the attached form. You can send the abstract
by post or by fax, but, either way, you need to send your abstract(s) as an e-mail
attachment (MS Word or WordPerfect) as well.
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- All co-authors must agree with the content of the abstract.
- The original abstract in the format 12,5 x 17 cm will be reproduced directly from the
abstract so there can be no alterations to abstracts once submitted.
Abstract Preparation
The text must be arranged within the outline as follows:
- Use capitals for the title to be placed at the top of the abstract sheet.
- List the authors names preceded by initials of given names and address of
institution. Omit degrees and titles (M.D., Dr, Prof. Etc).
- Underline the author who will present the paper.
- Type the text in single line spacing. Do not type outside the outline
- Use standard abbreviations
- The typing should be sharp and regular using Times New Roman 12 point or similar
- Do not use a smaller font, as the abstracts are reduced in the reproduction process.
- Do not erase. Abstracts with smudges, errors, misspellings, poor hyphenation, skipped
lines, black borders, type in the margins or incorrect abbreviations may not be published
and could be rejected. Proof read abstracts carefully before submitting.
Organise the abstract as follows:
- State the purpose of the study (preferably one sentence)
- State the method used
- Summarise the results in sufficient detail to support the conclusions
- State the conclusions reached. It is not satisfactory to state The results will be
Abstract Form
Download Abstract Form: [ MS-Word ]
(31 kB)
Questions? Please send an e-mail to [email protected]