Renal Disease in Racial and Ethnic
Minority Groups
Official Satellite Conference to the 2001 World Congress of Nephrology
October 18-20, 2001
Final Program
Thursday, 18 October 2001
1630 1900 hours: Registration
1630 1800 hours: Authors set up Posters
1800 2000 hours: Poster Discussions
1900 2100 hours: Reception
Friday, 19 October 2001
0730 hours: Registration
0800 hours: Tribal Blessing
0830 0830 hours: Opening Remarks, Robert Atkins, President of the ISN
Session I: Burden of Disease Prevalence and Incidence of
Renal Disease (ESRD) in selected countries.
Chairperson Dr. Andrew Narva, Indian Health Service, USA
0830 1000 hours:
- China (Shanyan Lin, P.R. China)
- India and Pakistan (Vinay Sakhuja, India)
- North Africa (Rashad Barsoum, Egypt)
- Sub-Sahara and South Africa (Saraladevi Naicker, South Africa)
- Oceania (Stephen Mc Donald, Australia)
- Latin America (Roberto Zatz, Brazil)
- South East Asia (Visith Sitprija, Thailand)
- UK Migrants (Elizabeth Lightstone, UK)
1000 1030 hours: C O F F E E B R E A K
Session II: Risk Factors for Development of Renal Disease in
Indigenous Populations.
Chairperson Dr. Philip Zager, University of New Mexico, USA
1030 1230 hours:
- The spectrum of kidney diseases in the Pueblo, Navajo and Zuni Indians (Andrew Narva,
- Genetics of Kidney Disease (Don Bowden, USA)
- Gestational causes of kidney disease in Pima Indians (Robert Nelson, USA)
- Hypertensive risk factors in kidney disease in African Americans (Agnes Fogo, USA)
- The effects of social, economic and environmental factors on the health of African
Americans (Harold Freeman, USA)
1230 1330 hours L U N C H B R E A K
Session III: Etiology and Pathphysiology of Renal Disease in
Indigenous Populations
Chairperson Dr. Guillermo García García, Guadalajara, Mexico
1330 1530 hours:
- The role of Infectious Diseases in the development of kidney diseases in South American
Indians (Bernardo Rodriguez-Iturbe, Venezuela)
- Insulin Resistance (Bonita Falkner, USA)
- The effect of glomerular size on the development of renal disease in Indigenous
populations (Wendy Hoy, Australia)
- Advances in Diabetic Renal Disease (Kevin Lemley, USA)
- HIV Nephropathy in Hispanic Americans and African Americans (Jeffrey Kopp, USA)
1530 1600 hours C O F F E E B R E A K
Session IV: Etiology and Prevention of Renal Disease in
Indigenous Populations
Chairperson Dr. Roland Dyck, University of Sasketchewan, Canada
1600 1730 hours:
- Screening Strategies NKF KEEP (US) Program (William Keane, USA)
- Other Screening Programs West Africa (Giovanni Fogazzi, Italy)
- Singapore (Sylvia Ramirez, Singapore)
- Prevention Strategies Prevention Programs (Wendy Hoy, Australia)
Saturday, 20 October 2001
0730 0800 hours: C O F F E E
Session V: Problems of Renal Disease Management in Developing
Chairperson Dr. Bill Owen, Duke University, USA
0800 1000 hours:
Lessons learned from recent Clinical Trials on Progression of Renal Disease
- The AASK trial (Janice Douglas, USA)
- Others (Barry Brenner, USA)
Practical Experience in the Management of Renal Disease in Indigenous Populations
- Pre-ESRD (Krishna Mani, India)
- Peritoneal Dialysis (Alfonso Cueto-Manzano, Mexico)
- Hemodialysis (Ebun Bamgboye, Nigeria)
- Renal Transplantation (Hasan Rizvi, Pakistan)
1000 1030 hours COFFEE BREAK
Session VI: Support of Renal Disease Research and Management
Chairperson Dr. Roberto Zatz, University of Sao Paolo, Brazil
1030 1215 hours:
- American Indian Tribal Government (Malcolm Bowekaty, USA)
- Governmental Agencies (Tom Udall, USA)
- Industry (Shahnaz Shahinfar, USA)
- Professional and Public Organizations COMGAN (John Dirks, Canada)
- Public/Private Partnerships (Sylvia Ramirez, Singapore)
1230 1400 hours: WORKING LUNCH
Chairpersons: Dr. Barry Brenner, Dr. John Dirks
Summary, and Future Directions
Discussion and Development of a Consensus Position
1400 hours: Adjourn
Note: It would be appreciated if babies and small children did not accompany
delegates into the scientific sessions
Questions? Please send an e-mail to [email protected]