Renal Disease in Racial and Ethnic
Minority Groups
Official Satellite Conference to the 2001 World Congress of Nephrology
October 18-20, 2001
Offer of Scholarships
Submission Deadline: August 7, 2001
The Organising Committee is pleased to announce the offer of a number of scholarships,
which will assist those who wish to attend this meeting but who have difficulty in
achieving the necessary support to do so. The scholarships will incorporate the cost of a
return airfare from San Francisco to Santa Fe, accommodation and meals at the Eldorado
Hotel, and the conference registration fee. They thus have a value of approximately $1000.
These scholarships are available to young investigators (including fellows/trainees),
investigators who are racial/ethnic minorities and persons with disabilities and other
individuals who have been traditionally under represented in science, and to nephrologists
from developing countries.
Submission of an abstract to present a poster at the meeting would be viewed favourably by
the Scholarship Awarding Committee.
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