Commission on Nephrology Informatics




Constitution and Bylaws





ISN History

  Honorary Awards and Lectures


ISN Prizes & Grants


ISN Professional Staff

Commission on Nephrology Informatics

General Information


Commission Members

General Information

The ISN Commission on Nephrology Informatics

provides computer related tools, resources, and technological support to aid the practice of nephrology globally and increase knowledge in the field of renal medicine.

The Commission was launched in May 1997 and is a partnership with the


initiative of the

National Kidney Foundation


NKF has provided most of the funding and valuable computer industry expertise in the past, while ISN provides the remaining funding, high-level physician expertise, and access to international contacts and facilities.



A major accomplishment has been the creation of a website for the

Schrier Atlas of Diseases of the Kidney

. This site includes every one of the 66 chapters from the five volumes covering all areas of nephrology, complete with color graphics and PowerPoint files from each chapter.

Via the Renal-Tech Donation Project, the commission has donated computer equipment, CD-ROM-based educational material, and Internet connections to nephrologists in the developing world. To date there have been successful donations to Nigeria, Nepal, Cuba, and Kosovo.

Other initiatives include a database for the ISN Archive in Amsterdam and the formation of numerous online discussion groups devoted to nephrology.

Additionally, the committee distributes the Nephrology UpToDate CD-ROM to developing countries and supports of the Banff Conferences on Allograft Pathology.

Future goals include increasing ISN’s global educational presence by providing nephrology education websites in languages other than English.

Commission Members


Kim Solez

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Phone: +1 403 492 2252

Fax: +1 403 492 2253


[email protected]

Giuliano Colasanti

Milan, Italy


[email protected]

John T. Daugirdas

Chicago, IL, USA

Phone: +1 312 633 2166

Fax: +1 312 633 2120


[email protected]

Zoltan H. Endre

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Phone: +61 7 365 5217

Fax: +61 7 365 5462


[email protected]

Steve Z. Fadem

Houston, TX, USA

Phone: +1 713 795 5511

Fax: +1 713 795 4627


[email protected]

Eli Friedman

Brooklyn, NY, USA

Phone: 1 718 270 1584

Fax: +1 718 270 3327


[email protected]

John Knight

Parramatta, NSW, Australia

Phone: +61 2 845 3037

Fax: +61 2 9845 3038


[email protected]

Stephen O. Pastan

Atlanta, GA, USA

Phone: +1 404 686 5038

Fax: +1 404 686 4995


[email protected]

Steven H. Powis

London, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 20 7830 2695

Fax: +44 20 7830 2125


[email protected]

Hideto Sakai

Isehara City Kanagawa-Ken, Japan

Phone: +81 463 93 1121 Ext. 2490

Fax: +81 463 91 3350


[email protected]

Dan Salomon

La Jolla, CA, USA


[email protected]

Jose H.R. Suassuna

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Phone: +55 21 239 4989

Fax: +55 21 512 6297


[email protected]

Christian Verger

Pontoise, France

Phone: +33 1 3075 4258

Fax: +33 1 3038 1250


[email protected]

James F. Winchester

New York, NY, USA

Phone: +1 212 717 8644

Fax: +1 212 717 8643


[email protected]

Jerry Yee

Detroit, MI, USA

Phone: +1 210 567 4700

Fax: +1 210 567 4654


[email protected]


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