Giebisch Conference Announced for November 2004 at Yale

The Department of Cellular and Molecular Physiology at the Yale University School of Medicine is pleased to announce a symposium celebrating the scientific accomplishments of Dr. Gerhard Giebisch. This conference will take place at the Yale University School of Medicine in New Haven, CT on November 3 and 4, 2004. The program of the symposium is as follows:

Ion Channel Structure and Regulation


     Yufeng Zhou

     Donald Hilgemann

     David Clapham

     Colin Nichols

Poster Session

Potassium Channels in the Kidney 

      Lawrence Palmer 

      Wenhui Wang 

      Steven Hebert 

      Richard Lifton

Ion Channel Regulation and Diseases


      Richard Aldrich 

      Bernd Fakler 

      Michael Sanguinetti 

      Frances Ashcroft

Please contact

Leisa Strohmaier

to register. There is no registration fee for this meeting. Please indicate if you wish to present a poster. In association with this conference, a banquet will be held on the night of November 3. There will be a US$75.00 charge to attend this dinner. Information concerning travel and local hotels can be found in the attached

PDF file.

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