ISN Partners with Nature Publishing Group to Launch New Clinical Journal

The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) will partner with

Nature  Publishing Group (NPG) to launch

Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology in November 2005.

New York, NY, US and Brussels, Belgium – 19 January 2005
  This partnership brings together the ISN’s global network of over 20,000 nephrologists with NPG’s successful publishing program, including its newest series of journals for practicing clinicians – Nature Clinical Practice.


Former ISN President,
Robert W. Schrier
, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado, USA, is the Editor-in-Chief. Dr.Schrier joins seven other Nature Clinical Practice Editors-in-Chief who are world renowned experts and opinion leaders in their fields. 

Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
will provide the practicing physician with a comprehensive overview of the most up-to-date literature relevant to the diagnosis and management of patients with kidney disease. It will include editorial and opinion pieces, highlights from current literature, commentaries on the application of recent research to practical patient care, comprehensive reviews, and in-depth case studies. All areas concerned with prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the kidney in the adult and child, including hypertension, infection/inflammation, dialysis/chronic uremia, renal failure, transplantation, applied physiology, epidemiology, pathology, immunology, cancer, and genetics will be covered.

This is the latest launch in NPG’s series of peer-reviewed journals for practicing physicians. Four journals in the Nature Clinical Practice series were launched last year; Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology and three other titles are planned for 2005.The series will eventually span some 14 titles. With the enormous amount of original research published in nephrology, as well as other medical specialties, it has become increasingly difficult for busy physicians to keep current and still find time to treat patients.


As an official publication of the International Society of Nephrology,
Nature Clinical Practice Nephrology
will provide ISN members with authoritative and timely interpretations of key developments in medical research, translating the latest findings into clinical practice.

For further information, please contact:

Peter Ashman, Publisher, Nature Publishing Group, London

[email protected]
  Tel: +44 20 7843 4989

Nikki Walker, ISN Global Headquarters, Brussels

[email protected]
, Tel:+32-2-743 1546 (1552 direct) or GSM:+32-478-202961


About NPG

Nature Publishing Group (NPG) is a division of Macmillan Publishers Ltd, dedicated to serving the academic and professional scientific community. NPG’s flagship title, Nature, is the world’s most highly-cited weekly multidisciplinary journal and was first published in 1869. Other publications include Nature research journals, Nature Reviews, Nature Clinical Practice, and a range of prestigious academic journals, including society-owned publications. NPG is a global company, with headquarters in London and offices in New York, San Francisco, Washington DC, Boston, Tokyo, Paris, Munich and Basingstoke. More information about NPG can be found at

About ISN

Founded in 1960, the International Society of Nephrology (ISN) is a not-for-profit association committed to the worldwide advancement of education, science and patient care in nephrology.  This goal is achieved by means of the Society’s journals, the organization of international congresses and symposia, and various outreach programs around the world.  The ISN acts as an international forum on nephrology for leading nephrologists as well as young investigators, from both developed and emerging countries. Further information is available at

About the partnership

This launch is the beginning of a 10 year partnership in which NPG and ISN will collaborate on several other publishing initiatives all designed to meet the information needs of nephrologists worldwide.  Another announcement will be made shortly with regard to the Society’s flagship journal Kidney International.

More information on the Nature Clinical Practice series can be found at


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