Commission on the History of Nephrology




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Commission on the History of Nephrology

General Information


Commission Members

General Information

The Commission on the History of Nephrology maintains a historical record on the development of ISN and the broader evolution of nephrology in general.



Prior to 1997, this commission’s activities were mainly limited to organizing events on the history of nephrology at the ICN Congresses. In 1997 and 1998 the following initiatives were launched:

  • ISN Carl Gottschalk Archive
  • Video Legacy Project and Online Interviews
  • Bibliography of the History of Nephrology
  • Scholarships in the History of Nephrology

ISN Carl Gottschalk Archive

Through the offices of its previous Chairman, the late Carl W. Gotschalk, valuable source materials (letters, photographs, manuscripts, documents etc.) concerning the development and evolution of ISN were collected into an archive. This collection resides in the Carl Gottschalk Archives at the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The Archives are open to the public. Contact


to schedule a visit.

Those who have historical material in their possession and are willing to donate it to the ISN, are requested to forward material to the chairman of the ISN History Commission, Dr. Leon Fine, or the

ISN Global Headquarters

. Donations will be acknowledged in publications and donated materials will carry the name of the donor.

Video Legacy Project and Online Interviews

This project is being handled by Dr. Stewart Cameron of the UK and Dr. Kim Solez of Canada. Some 30 interviews with nephrologists of exceptional merit have been recorded. While several of these interviews can be viewed


, the majority are available in CD-ROM format only. (Material currently on tape will be digitized at a later point.) Contact the office of

Dr. Kim Solez

for more information or to request copies.

Bibliography of the History of Nephrology

ISN member Dr. J. Stewart Cameron has prepared an annotated bibliography of works dealing with the history of nephrology, from 1788 to the present day.

This list is a ‘work in progress’. It is updated as new papers are published. The participation of members and other interested parties is essential to making this list as complete as possible. Those familiar with papers, books, videos, websites or any other relevant material not listed in the bibliography are invited to contact

Dr. Stewart Cameron





to review the Bibliography of the History of Nephrology.

Scholarships in the History of Nephrology

The Commission is soliciting applications for four scholarships (US $500) to support short studies on the history of Nephrology by students, junior physicians or junior scientists. Applications, including a Curriculum Vitae, a one-page description of the project, and the name of a supervisor, should be sent to

Dr. Leon Fine


Commission Members




Leon Fine

London, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 20 7209 6186

Fax: +44 20 7209 6211


[email protected]

John Stewart Cameron

Cumbria, United Kingdom

Phone: +44 17 6888 1804

Fax: +44 17 6888 1105


[email protected]



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