ISN e-update N°6 -June 2004
In this issue


Call for Nominations for ISN Jean Hamburger and A.N. Richards Awards

At every World Congress of Nephrology (WCN), ISN presents two honorary awards that acknowledge exceptional contributions to nephrology. The Jean Hamburger Award recognizes outstanding research in nephrology with a clinical emphasis, while the Alfred Newton Richards Award highlights outstanding basic research in fields relevant to nephrology.

Each award includes $10,000 USD for an individual winner. A joint award for the same discovery or contribution may be given, usually to no more than two individuals.

The deadline for nominations for both awards is fast approaching. Nominations are open to residents of any country without restriction. Be sure to submit by August 15, 2004 to be considered.

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ISN Present at ISPD 2004 Congress in Amsterdam

ISN will be represented at the first joint congress of the International Society for Peritoneal Dialysis and the European Peritoneal Dialysis Meeting, taking place August 28-31 in Amsterdam . The majority of the symposia will be orientated around clinical problems to which integrative approaches are used. Basic science and clinical studies results will be examined, with a view to developing recommendations for patient management. Topics will include among others: survival on PD, cardiovascular mortality, ultrafiltration failure, PD solutions, nutrition, peritonitis, elderly patients, and diabetes.

Stop by the ISN booth (number 114) in the Exhibition and Poster area to say hello!

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ISN Supports Conference on Prevention in Renal Disease


3rd Annual Conference on Prevention in Renal Disease
October 1-2, 2004
Toronto , Canada

ISN is pleased to continue its worldwide prevention efforts through endorsement and support of the upcoming 3rd Annual Conference on Prevention in Renal Disease in Toronto , Canada .

Held October 1-2, 2004 , this important Conference has now been established as an annual event. The program will cover a variety of areas in which prevention is needed and allow for extensive audience-speaker interaction.

Travel Grant Recipients Announced for ASN’s Renal Week

To promote the sharing of scientific information, ISN provides travel grants to its biennial WCN and Forefronts events and coordinates grants for other select educational events of high scientific value. One such event is the American Society of Nephrology’s annual Renal Week™ gathering, next taking place October 27 - November 1, 2004 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA.

Twenty awardees,selected by ISN, will be given the opportunity to attend this year’s Renal Week thanks to travel grants generously provided by ASN.

Follow the link below for more information on ISN’s Travel Grant program.

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ISN Highlights Importance of Albumin as Disease Marker


An ISN co-organized symposium in New York City in June gathered thought leaders from around the world to discuss the role and use of albuminuria in renal disease testing and intervention.

The symposium, supported by The American Diabetes Association, American Society of Hypertension, American Society of Nephrology, European Society of Hypertension, International Diabetes Federation, Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, and the American Heart Association, facilitated discussions between organizations and some of the world's most prominent experts. Up-to-date clinical information was presented on how early detection and treatment of albuminuria can slow, halt, or even reverse disease progression. Several presentations discussed measuring albumin, and addressed the need for a global standard in accurate detection and measurement.

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Kidney International Table of Contents
  Take a look at the full table of contents for the August 2004 edition of Kidney International online.

Members of ISN can read all the full articles by accessing KI online via the Members Only section of the ISN website (be sure to log in first).

Join ISN Today

Joining ISN provides you with complimentary access to missed issues of our flagship journal Kidney International for the whole of 2004.

Joining ISN is simple - just complete the easy online application.

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Don’t Forget

Call for applications for the Fellowship Training Award. Deadline July 31, 2004.

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Call for abstracts for Dresden Forefronts Conference. Deadline August 10, 2004 .

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Call for Nominations for the Lilian Jean Kaplan International Prize for the Advancement in the Understanding of Polycystic Kidney Disease. Deadline September 1, 2004 .

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Call for Nominations for the ISN Amgen International Prize for Therapeutic Advancement in Nephrology. Deadline September 1, 2004 .

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Call for applications for the Baxter Renal Discoveries Research Fellowship program. Deadline September 15, 2004 .

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© Copyright 2004. ISN e-update is published monthly and distributed to ISN members and the global nephrology community

International Society of Nephrology, Global Headquarters, Ave des Gaulois 7, B-1040 Brussels, Belgium. Tel:+32-2-743 1546, e-mail: [email protected], .

Your comments and suggestions are welcome at: [email protected]

This issue has been realized
thanks to the support of:


Upcoming Meetings
July – September 2004

For a full listing of all ISN events, visit our online
Events Calendar.

Meeting of the Insitito Mexicana de Investigaciones Nefrologicas (IMIN)
Mexico City, Mexico
July 21 – 23, 2004

CME on Pathogenesis of Renal Stones
Kuala Lumur, Malaysia
July 30 – 31, 2004

CME on Pathogenesis of Renal Stones
Bangkok, Thailand
August 3 – 4 2004

South African Renal Society Biannual Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa
August 20 – 23, 2004

XI Budapest Nephrology School
Budapest, Hungary
August 27 – September 1, 2004

2nd Clinical Pathology Meeting
Pecs, Hungary
August 28, 2004

5th International Meeting of the IFKF
Adelaide, Australia
August 28 – 31, 2004

13th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association
Adelaide, Australia
August 29 – September 2, 2004

ESUR- European Society of Urologenital Radiology
Santiago, Spain
September 9 – 12, 2004

XIV French Paraguayan Nephrology Meeting and II International Meeting on Renal Nutrition

Asuncion, Paraguay
September 10 – 12, 2004

21st National Congress of Nephrology Hypertension Dialysis and Transplantation
Antalya, Turkey
September 10 – 14, 2004

7th African Congress of Nephrology & 4th Moroccan Congress of Nephrology
Agadir, Morocco
September 16 – 18, 2004

Baltic Societies of Nephrology Meeting
September 17 – 18, 2004

Brazilian Congress of Nephrology
Bahia, Brazil
September 18 – 21, 2004