


Individual Member

For just US$ 175 per year, join ISN and receive the print and online editions of Kidney International (KI) and NCP Nephrology.


Members in Training

Trainees in nephrology aged 37 and younger are now encouraged to apply to become ISN Members in Training at a greatly reduced annual membership rate of US$ 50 (all benefits included).

Eligible individuals must submit a copy of a valid form of identification stating their date of birth as well as a proof of their current training status to the ISN Global Headquarters, together with their completed application.


Joint Members

The ISN Joint Membership Program enables groups of 2-10 individuals from emerging countries to enjoy ISN membership and to share one subscription to the print and online editions of Kidney International for US$ 110 per year. This offer is only valid for nephrologists from developing countries (i.e., not included on the following list).

Developed Countries Based on World Bank PPP
Australia Austria Belgium
Canada Cyprus Denmark
Finland France Germany
Iceland Ireland Israel
Italy Japan Hong Kong
Kuwait Luxembourg Netherlands
New Zealand Norway Qatar
Singapore Spain Sweden
Switzerland Taiwan United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom United States  



Emeritus Members

Requests for Emeritus membership can be made by those who have been a member for a minimum of ten years. An appropriate request should be made to the Secretary General of ISN indicating cause (e.g., disability, retirement, hardship, etc.). Emeritus Members do not pay dues but may choose to continue to receive Kidney International at a reduced rate.



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