Welcome to the redesigned Oncogene web site.

Here you will find the full text of articles published online weekly, in advance of print (Advance online publication), the current issue and an archive of previous issues. You can also find general information about the journal, and more detailed information for readers, authors, referees, librarians, advertisers, and journalists. This site is specific to Oncogene, which is published by Nature Publishing Group (NPG). A full list of NPG publications is available.

New features
Access to the site
Searching the site
For readers
For authors
For referees
For librarians
For advertisers
For journalists
Privacy policy


New features

We are pleased to offer our website users a number of new features, including:

New design: The design of this website has been optimized for ease of navigation, faster downloading of pages, fewer pop-up windows, and to be accessible for our users who are disabled.

For more information about website accessibility, please see the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative.

See more articles like this: We use state-of-the-art semantic text matching software on our websites to automatically recommend links to other articles from all of NPG's publications. Look for the "See more articles like this" box to find other articles related to the topics and concepts in the one you are currently viewing.

Export citations and references: On the article page, click on "Export citation" or "Export references" to automatically download an article's citation details or its reference list to your citation management software.

RSS feeds: Simple XML feed format available for the latest articles in Advance online publication, for use in personal RSS readers or to syndicate to other websites. For more information about newsfeeds, visit the NPG Gateway.


Access to the site

A selection of the journal's editorial content is always freely available without restrictions.

Some content and services, such as supplementary information, and email alerts, are free but require registration. The registration process should only take a few minutes. For more information regarding the information NPG collects and what we do with it, please see our privacy policy.

Full access to the editorial content requires either a personal subscription or an institutional site license. If you already have a personal subscription click here if you wish to activate your access to the web site. Click here if you wish to subscribe.

If your library does not have a print subscription or site license, use this form to recommend this journal to your library.

You may also purchase online access to individual articles.

If you have already registered, you may click here to modify your user profile.

For technical problems with access to the site, please contact our customer service department.


Searching the site

The search page supports a variety of search options and allows you to search NPG journals individually or by subject area.


For readers

Click here for general information about Oncogene.

Most articles are published online before they appear in print. New papers are uploaded weekly to the Advance online publication (AOP) page. The online publication date is specified for each paper; these versions are identical to the printed version in every respect and may be cited using the digital object identifier (DOI). Click here for more information about AOP.

You may sign up for a free Tables of Contents email alert service that will notify you when each new issue goes live.


For authors

The for authors page includes information about the journal and it's publishing policies and procedures and detailed instructions for preparing and submitting your manuscript via the secure online submission system, where you can also check the status of your submission.


For referees

You will find here general information about refereeing for Oncogene, including a Guide to Referees.

Referees use our secure online submission system, where you can download manuscripts and upload your comments.


For librarians

Click here for general information about Oncogene.

Click here for information about site licenses or institutional print subscriptions.

A full list of NPG publications is available.


For advertisers

We offer a range of services to companies to support promotional and educational activities. Click here for more information about advertising and sponsorship.


For journalists

Journalists may sign up to receive press releases and to obtain access to forthcoming papers in Oncogene (and other NPG publications) about one week ahead of publication, while they are still under embargo. This service is provided via the Nature journals' press site, use of which requires advance registration through the NPG press office in London. For further information, please send an email to [email protected].


Privacy policy

Click here for details of the Nature Publishing Group privacy policy.

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