SUBSCRIBE (2006 Subscriptions)
Top of pageInstitutional Subscriptions
NPG operates a site license policy for online access, with pricing based on Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) or Research and Development (R&D) staff. Institutional print subscriptions are purchased separately.
Subscribing to a Site License
Contact your local sales representative for a tailored price quote for your institution. The price is based on science FTE (for academic institutions) or R&D staff figure (for research institutions and hospitals). You will be required to complete a site license agreement. Visit the Librarian Gateway for more information, contact details and FTE/R&D definitions.
Institutional Print Subscriptions
Orders can be placed with your regular subscription agent or through NPG - either online or by contacting our customer services department. Prices are as follows:
Institutional Print Price | |
The Americas | $5,910 |
Europe | €5,090 |
Japan | ¥765,000 |
UK/Rest of World | £3,284 |
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Personal Subscribers
Personal customers who pay by personal check or credit card can either purchase a combined print and online subscription or an online only subscription. Prices are as follows:
Combined Print and Online | Online only | |
The Americas | $1,460 | $1,320 |
Europe | €1,340 | €1,210 |
Japan | ¥202,000 | ¥182,000 |
UK/Rest of World | £866 | £780 |
Prices are applicable in the following regions:
- US dollars ($) for North, Central, South America and Canada
- Euros (€) for all European countries (excluding the UK)
- Yen (¥) for Japan
- Sterling (£) for UK and rest of world
Please ensure you use the appropriate currency.