We would like to thank you in advance for your continued support to our Society. Renewing your membership is indeed one of the most important contributions to global nephrology that you can make.
ISN strongly encourages members to renew their membership between September and January in order to enjoy an uninterrupted service regarding the journal subscriptions, as well as have continued access to the various other ISN member benefits. Back issues of KI and NCPN (if applicable) will be sent to you via regular mail.
Membership Renewal Timeline:
ISN Membership is valid for the calendar year (January 1 - December 31).
October 1: Renewal communications and reminders are sent out as of October.
December 24: Renewal forms received after December 24 will not be included in the journal distribution lists for the January editions; these will be sent as back- editions 6-8 weeks later.
January 31: Memberships that have not been renewed will be de-activated; reinstating the membership remains possible at any time but the standard membership fee will be applied.
Discounted Membership Fees for Renewals:
Renewals received during the renewal season (October 1 – January 31) enjoy the discounted membership fee at a rate of:
Full Individual membership: US$ 203 or € 140
Joint Membership: US$ 134
Member in training: US$ 58 or € 40
Payment modalities:
In order to facilitate administrative burdens, ISN offers the possibility to apply and pay for a multi-year membership whereby the membership will run uninterrupted for as many years as the applicant wishes. Currently multi-year payment can only be accommodated through the below application form.
All dues are payable in either US Dollars or Euros depending on the country of residence; fees of individuals living in a Euro Zone country are collected in Euros.
Payments are accepted via:
• Credit Card: VISA, American Express and MasterCard are accepted via our online application system or by filling out and submitting the below application form for payments in US Dollar. VISA and MasterCard are accepted via our online application system or by filling out and submitting the below application form for payments in Euros.
• Check: Checks can not be accepted in Euros. Checks should be made payable to the International Society of Nephrology. Payment via check is possible through the below application form. Check payments should be sent to our Americas Operation Office.
• Wire transfer: Wire transfers need to clearly state the name of the member applicant in the reference field. The ISN bank details are located on the below application form.
ISN Membership brochure 2010 (pdf, 456.9 KB)
• Download and submit the below membership application form either by regular mail, fax or e-mail (as a scanned document).
ISN Membership application form 2010 (pdf, 187.2 KB)
Joint Member Contact Details Form (pdf, 101.8 KB)