Letter from the President


New developments in the ISN

The ISN is undergoing rapid change. This change

was necessary to enable the ISN to continue expanding its programs in the pursuit of its

overarching goal to enhance nephrology worldwide.

The Executive and Council have taken some

initiatives which are about to bear fruit. To improve funding of our programmes and become

more effective, we had to centralise and professionalise our management. To this end we

requested proposals from suitable association management companies and we are in the

process of selecting one.

We have also embarked on fund raising endeavours.

This is in part a promotional and awareness drive as well as an attempt to attract more

funds to our Society to underwrite and expand our programs. The management company will

also play an active role in fundraising.

Another initiative has been the formation of

partnerships. We cannot do everything alone and we have tried to expand our partnerships,

particularly in educational activities, with our affiliated national societies (we have

over 90) and with regional nephrological societies. An example is our Berlin Congress in

June 2003, in which we will combine with the European Renal Association and another four

nephrology societies. ISN-COMGAN successfully partnered with 35 local nephrology societies

to deliver educational programmes to over 11,000 physicians last year alone.

We are also forming partnerships with societies in

other disciplines. We have formed a liaison committee with the International Diabetes

Federation in an attempt to combat the world pandemic of diabetic nephropathy, the major

cause of end stage renal failure worldwide. Indeed, the number of diabetics will double in

the next 15 years; 80% of the increase will be in emerging countries. The IDF and ISN have

already combined in a submission to the World Bank, to produce a book on Diabetes and the

Kidney, and to hold a joint conference prior to the Berlin Congress. 2003 has been

designated the year of the Diabetic Kidney.

Prevention of renal disease is an important aspect

of nephrology, particularly in emerging countries. The ISN-COMGAN Research Committee has

been developing ways of implementing screening and prevention programmes with local and

national societies, aid agencies, government and international bodies.

The ISN is now moving into a very exciting time in

its development. We would like to attract new members to help us pursue our goal of

continuously improving nephrology globally. Every nephrologist has dual duties: to treat

optimally his or her patients, and to help promote nephrology to the public, to

governments and to other institutions.

I call on all our members to

help the nephrological cause. Any suggestions, concerns, criticisms or opinions can be put

to your Executive and Council and your input will be much appreciated.

The ISN is a Society of individual nephrologists and

scientists with an interest in kidney disease. Our Society needs to continue evolving to

cope with the challenges we face and to ensure our patients with kidney disease receive

the best treatment and care that we can offer.



(October 2002)



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