ISN is dedicated to advancing Renal Pathology around the world through various activities and programs. We organize renal pathology training, courses or master classes, and implement those depending upon available financial support. We also provide students and teachers and pathologists with invaluable online resources. Click on the tabs below to browse through our renal pathology training and education offerings.
Grants and Programs
ISN is dedicated to building kidney health equality worldwide through education, training and research. We participate and facilitate CME activities where renal pathology elements are sought. Our continued efforst ensure that renal pathology is practiced and supported in Sister Renal Centers, as well as developing Centers of Excellence in Renal Pathology. Lastly, we also aim to encourage renal pathology applicants for the ISN Fellowship Program for long term pathology trainings at a CoE, and the Educational Ambassador program for short term hands-on pathology trainings.
You can apply to specific pathology training programs through our 5 funding programs:
- The Fellowship Program gives physicians from emerging countries hands-on training in a developed renal center. Returning home, they share what they have learned, improve local care and start more ISN Programs.
- The Sister Renal Centers Program links renal centers in emerging countries with centers of excellence in the developing world. With educational support and guidance, the emerging centers become self-sufficient offering better care for patients.
- The Continuing Medical Education Program offers essential teaching and training to developing medical communities. Expert speakers from both sides of the world share their knowledge and experience in clinical care and research.
- The Educational Ambassadors Program sends experts to developing renal centers for one to four weeks to provide specific hands-on training or help develop new services, community-based research or screening programs.
- The Clinical Research Program funds screening and prevention programs as well as clinical research projects addressing local needs about kidney disease in emerging countries. Deadline for applications:
Interested? CLICK HERE
Mini Sabbatical
Every year, the Renal Pathology committee organises mini-sabbaticals in nephropathology for candidates in the developing world. We provide partial support for short term in-depth study of renal pathology, by immersion in an established expert renal pathology laboratory for up to two weeks, in conjunction with attendance at a major renal pathology course. Applicants will thus have the opportunity for up to two weeks of intensive immersion immediately following either of these two courses, under the mentorship of the directors or one of the faculty of these courses, or other volunteer faculty at other institutions (see below), in their renal pathology laboratories.
Due to the limited amount of funds, with a maximum award of $2,500, additional funds should be sought from the home institution to support the minisabbatical.
Several renal pathology events ore organised every year such as:
- the Columbia University Renal Pathology Course
- the Amsterdam European Renal Pathology Course
- Other major renal pathology courses can be found: here:
The applicant must arrange independently for permission from the renal pathology faculty for the immersion experience. Faculty who are willing to accept an applicant for an immersion experience include:
- Dr. Vivette DAgati at Columbia University and Dr. Surya Seshan at Cornell University, both in New York
- Dr. Volker Nickeleit and Dr. Charles Jennette at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
- Dr. Sandrine Florquin and Dr. Joris J. Roelofs at the AMC in Amsterdam; NC
- Dr. Lois Arend at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD
- Dr. Carmen-Avila at University of Toronto in Toronto, Canada
- Dr. Agnes Fogo at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN
(Please note that these hosts cannot offer any stipend, housing or support to defray expenses.)
The applicant must be from a Low, Low Middle or Upper Middle Income countries according to the World Bank Classification of countries
Submission documents:
- a CV
- a letter of support from the applicants institution,
- a statement of goals and objectives for this experience, focusing on his/her current knowledge in renal pathology and what will be gained from the proposed experience.
The dealine is now closed for this program.
Note: Nephrologists are not eligible for this award. Nephropathologists from developed countries are also not eligible
The International Society of Nephrology (ISN) and the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) organise a yearly Clinical Nephropathology Certificate Program (CNC).
Target audience:
Pathologists and nephrologists seeking training in the principles and practice of Nephropathology from all around the world are encouraged to apply. However, applicants from low- and middle-income countries are given priority.Program Objectives:
- Identify the key principles in the preparation of kidney biopsy material preparation of sections for LM, IF and EM. Review the different staining techniques and their purpose.
- Apply knowledge of different patterns of renal injury observed in histopathologic specimens in classifying syndromes of nephron injury and integrating this knowledge into the management of clinical presentations of renal disease.
- Use newly gained knowledge of specific renal syndromes or diseases (e.g., acute kidney injury, autoimmune renal disease, diabetic kidney disease, genetic renal disease, hepatorenal syndrome, pregnancy related renal disease) to infer pathophysiologic mechanisms and apply this to the management of patients.
- Use updated knowledge of kidney pathology for better patient management.
Program Structure:
The CNC program spans over one year and includes over 40 recorded online lectures and 12 live webinars (one each month). The course attendees are required to attend all the live webinars, pass short quizzes throughout the course, and pass a final exam in order to get the certificate.
Interested? CLICK HERE
Education Resources
We are continuously expanding our offerings of online pathology education resources such as:
- virtual annotated slides of kidney biopsies
- a Renal Biopsy Histology Procedure Manual translated in various languages
- tissue handling manuals/videos
- various videos and presentations recorded from our events and courses
All this is available for free through ISN Educations’ Pathology channel. CLICK HERE
Two grants have been awarded to the below hospitals in order to develop true centers of pathological excellence. The projects are undertaken in accordance with pathologists and nephrologists. The most recent progress reports can be viewed here below.
Renal Pathology Center Chile: Hospital Valdivia, Renal Pathology Lab.: D. Carpio (pathologist) and S. Mezzano (nephrologist)
Renal Pathology Center Brazil: North Brazilian Centre of Pathology: F. Filho (pathologist) and S. Melo (nephrologist)
The committee aims to continue following up on the success of the Centers of Excellence in Renal Pathology, and develop a plan for a proposal for adding Guatemala as such a center. In addition, the committee will develop plans for training opportunities and furthering of excellence in renal pathology in Russia and in China.
Chile-Renal Pathology Center Progress Report (pdf, 19.3 KB)
Brazil Renal Pathology Center Progress Report (pdf, 8.7 KB)
Questions? Contact us
ISN Renal Pathology Committee Membership (2016-2018)
Agnes Fogo (USA)Members:
M. C. Avila-Casado (Mexico)
Wesam Ismail (Egypt)
Charles Jennette (USA)
Luiz Moura (Brazil)
Vivette D’Agati (USA)
Ezequiel Bellorin-Font (Venezuela)
Terry Cook (United Kingdom)
Surya Seshan (USA)
Gang Liu (China)