0 by 25 Initiative

0by25 Initiative

Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is preventable and treatable

At the 2013 World Congress of Nephrology in Hong Kong, immediate past President of the International Society of Nephrology (ISN), Prof. Giuseppe Remuzzi, set out the organisation’s vision for a world in which no one dies of preventable and treatable acute kidney injury (AKI).

To achieve this ambitious goal, the ISN launced the 0by25 initiative which aims to eliminate preventable deaths from Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) worldwide by 2025.

Our aim is to call for globally applicable strategies that permit timely diagnosis and treatment of AKI for patients with potentially reversible diseases.

0by25 is a global initiative with a strong emphasis on developing countries in Africa, Asia, and Latin America with disadvantaged populations and poor access to care.

We are working to eliminate preventable deaths from AKI in three key ways:


0by25 will provide compelling new evidence to demonstrate the global burden of AKI, especially in low and middle-income countries, with the aim of establishing AKI as a contributor to the Global Burden of Disease. 0by25 will compile existing and prospective data in order to better understand AKI’s prevalence and to improve diagnostic and treatment methods.

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Awareness & Education

0by25 will promote increased awareness of AKI across the global healthcare community, predominantly through education and training. Targeted information and educational materials will be developed for a broad range of audiences, including healthcare professionals, patients and governments.

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0by25 will work with those most affected to develop a sustainable infrastructure to enable “need driven” approaches to education, training and care delivery. Through pilot projects, 0by25 will implement globally applicable strategies that permit timely diagnosis and treatment of AKI for patients with potentially reversible diseases.

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Boy Smiling



AKI Global Survey

0by25 Pilot Feasibility Project

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