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What’s New on ISN Education this week?
September 28st, 2016
Dear Colleagues,
This week, in collaboration with the International Renal Research Institute of Vicenza, ISN Education is pleased to release a first set of presentations from the 34th International Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT held from June 7-10, 2016 in Italy. These presentations include the opening ceremony keynotes and presentations from the session, « AKI Biomarkers: The New Frontier ».
In addition, to tip our stethoscopes off to the upcoming webinar in Spanish scheduled for next Friday September 30th, ISN Education is pleased to offer a selection of presentations given in Spanish from CME conferences held in Latin America through 2015 and 2016.
I hope you enjoy this educational and linguistically diverse content,
Tushar Vachharajani
ISN Education Editor
34th International Vicenza Course on AKI & CRRT:
Opening Ceremony
AKI & CRRT – by Claudio Ronco
Fifteen years of ADQI: achievements and results – by John Kellum
AKI Biomarkers: The New Frontier
Integrating biomarker application into clinical routine – by Alexander Zarbock
The Emerging Role of Biomarkers in Acute Kidney Injury – by John Kellum
Clinical Uses of Biomarkers in AKI Risk Assessment and Patient Management – by Lui Forni
Continuing Medical Education (CME) Presentations in Spanish
Cuidados de Enfermería al niño con IRA en tratamiento de diálisis peritoneal – By Susana Claudia Marcos
Un paseo por la Epidemiología de la IRA – By Fernando Liaño
Evolución tardía de la AKI – By Fernando Liaño
Es necesario seguir a mis pacientes tras un episodio de IRA? – By Raúl Lombardi
Click here to view all CME presentations
Topical channels
ISN Education offers various content throughout various topical channels. The channels can be expanded as more content is received. You can refine your search criteria via the “Find Content” box above.
Browse content by subject channel:
- Acute Kidney Injury
- Anemia, Iron and trace elements (Supported by an unrestricted educational grant of Vifor Fresenius medical Care Renal Pharma)
- Basic Science
- Chronic Kidney Disease
- Diabetes
- Fluids and Electrolytes
- General Nephrology
- Global Nephrology
- Glomerular Disease
- Hemodialysis
- Hypertension
- Interventional Nephrology
- Mineral and Bone Disorders (Supported by an unrestricted educational grant of Vifor Fresenius medical Care Renal Pharma)
- Nutrition and Hydration (Supported by an unrestricted educational grant of Danone Nutricia Research)
- Pathology
- Peritoneal Dialysis
- Systemic Disease
- Transplantation
Ask the Experts
The ISN Education Ask the Experts column provides authoritative perspectives on issues related to nephrology. As an ISN member, you have the opportunity of getting direct feedback from experts in each field of kidney medicine, and to discuss your question with other ISN members in an interactive way.
Abstracts & Posters Database
An exclusive ISN members access to meeting abstracts and posters
The ISN recognizes the importance of abstracts and posters and their role in the education within our community.
To that end the ISN makes an extensive multidisciplinary database with over two million cutting-edge abstracts accessible to all registered ISN members. Where possible, the full content of posters is also included.
Please login here get your access code.
ISN Education has partnered with authors and puts at your disposal several chapters of leading publications in the area of nephrology. Additional Books will be added in the coming months.
Education Associates
As we wish to extend and maximize the value of our education offerings, ISN Education has partnered with leading initiatives and communities, such as KDIGO, DOPPS and Cochrane. ISN experts have been closely involved in developing many of the resources below.
Click on the links below to access resources developed in collaboration with the Education Associates:
Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes
Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study The Cochrane Collaboration -
Global Outreach Postings (GOP)
As part of ISN Program activities and in collaboration with ISN Education, nephrologists from emerging countries have the opportunity to publish their manuscriptsthrough the Global Outreach Postings. Become a regular contributor to this open access online publication. This resource is created by and for our members. Get involved!
A new partnership with the Open Urology & Nephrology Journal
The Open Urology & Nephrology Journal is an Open Access online journal published by Bentham OPEN. The journal publishes research articles, reviews, letters, guest edited single topic issues and images in the fields of urology and nephrology. GOP articles will now be published on TOUNJ website, under a specific ISN heading and at no cost. The GOP articles will remain free access both on the ISN website and on TOUNJ website. There will be no publication fees.
Recently published GOP articles:
By Samad et al.
By Shimelis et al.
By dos Santos et al.
By Punzalan et al.
By Teuwafeu et al.
By Olga Chub et al.
Click on the links to access the newly published guidelines developed in collaboration with KDIGO, NDT and various ISN Committees and members. Comments and further short presentations from ISN members are coordinated by ISN’s Guideline Committee Chaired Dr. Gavin Becker.
You can search through the collection of Guidelines and Commentaries via the “Find Content” box above.
ISPD Guidelines/Recommendations: Peritoneal Dialysis for Acute Kidney Injury
By the International Society of Peritoneal Dialysis
Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline for CKD, 2013
By the Japanese Society of Nephrology, both Japanese and English versions available
KDIGO clinical practice guideline for lipid management in CKD, November 2013
With a commentary from Christoph Wanner and Santosh Varughese
The Indian Society of Nephrology Guidelines for Hemodialysis Units
By Vivek Jha, with a commentary from Peter Kerr
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Evaluation and management of CKD, January 2013
With a commentary from Mona Alrukhaimi
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines for Blood Pressure in CKD, December 2012
With a commentary from Dr Marius Miglinas
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Anemia in CKD, August 2012
With a commentary from Patrick Parfrey, Marisa Battistella and Prof. J.Bargman.
KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for Glomerulonephritis, June 2012
With commentaries from ISN Experts Prof. J.Bargman, Prof. J. Radhakrishnan and Dr D. Cattran
Recommendations for the Management of Crush Victims in Mass Disasters, April 2012
With an audio presentation from one of the authors Mehmet Sever -
Histopathology images
ISN Education has released a selection of virtual slides of kidney biopsies with annotations collected and commented by the ISN Pathology Committee chaired by Dr. Agnes Fogo.
Interventional Nephrology
With the support of the ISN interventional nephrology committee chaired by Dr Miguel C.Riella, ISN Education shares a collection of videos of nephrological interventions and procedures.
Kidney International Editor’s Picks
Kidney International (KI) is the official journal of the International Society of Nephrology. Kidney International is published twice a month and is free of charge for all ISN members. Every month, Dr. Jai Radhakrishnan, Associate Editor of KI, will select for ISN Education various articles that have the highest education value and that are available for free, even if you are not an ISN member.
Every three months a selection of Chinese and Japanese translations of KI articles is made for ISN Education in coordination with the Chinese and Japanese Societies of Nephrology.
You can search and select KI articles by language and refine your search criteria via the “Find Content” box above.
Meetings and Events
ISN Education gathers a selection of presentations and talks from various ISN events or events organized by ISN members.
You can search through the collection of event recordings via the various criteria of the “Find Content” box above, or explore the presentations available from our latest events below:
CRRT (2015)
Visit presentations here
World Congress of Nephrology (2015)
Visit presentations here
ISN Nexus
Brisbane (2014): Visit presentations here
Berlin (2016): Visit presentations here
ISN Forefronts Shenzhen (2015)
Visit presentations here
CME meetings
Visit different presentations given during ISN CME meetings here
Web Directory
ISN Education has hand-picked selected Nephrology resources to help nephrologists around the world to find what they are looking for. Please visit our pages organized by category and feel free to post a comment or your own suggestion for a resource not currently in our directory.
ISN Education organises short webinars of maximum 30 minutes, every month held by renowned ISN experts, followed by a live Q&A session. You can search through the collection of past recorded webinars via the “Find Content” box above.
Recently held webinars now available on webcast:
(ISN- KDIGO SERIES): Living Donor Guideline – Facilitated by Amit Garg
Manejo de pacientes diabéticos com doença renal crônica (WEBINAR IN PORTGUESE) – Facilitated by Roberto Pecoits-Filho
Management of diabetic patients with CKD – Facilitated by Roberto Pecoits-Filho
(DIALYSIS SERIES) PD Access in Acute and Chronic Kidney Disease – A Nephrologists perspective – Facilitated by Brett Cullis
(FRENCH SERIES) HTA et maladie rénale chronique – cause et conséquence, dépistage et prise en charge, traitement – Encadré par Faiçal Jarraya et Thierry Hannedouche
Renal Research: Past, Present & Future – Facilitated by John Feehally
(ISN-KDIGO SERIES) Nephropathic Cystinosis – Faciliated by Francesco Emma
(CHINESE SERIES): 狼疮性肾炎诊断和治疗的新进展 – Facilitated by Zhi-Hong Liu
(FRENCH SERIES): Insuffisance rénale aiguë et sepsis – Encadré par Adbou Niang et Alexandre Hertig
Native Fistulas Flows (Qa): too Big, too Small, the Wrong Way or Just Right! – Faciliated by Jan Swinnen
Mesoamerican Nephropathy – Facilitated by Ricardo Correa-Rotter
AKI following herbal therapies – Facilitated by Valerie Luyckx
HIV Nephropathy – Facilitated by Saraladevi Naicker
(ISN-KDIGO SERIES) Iron therapy in CKD – certainties and controversies – Facilitated by Jolanta Malyszko
Click here to view all ISN webinar webcasts
Click here to see upcoming webinars open for registration
Contact & Feedback
Please let us know how we can tailor our education offerings better to your needs or if you encounter any problems. You are also welcome to suggest or send us education resources for publishing. Note that in order to ensure the educational and technical standards required, all education resources are reviewed by ISN Experts across our various committees.