Officers and Contact Addresses

Officers and Contact Addresses

Executive Committee 2003-2005


Weening, Jan The Netherlands President
Atkins, Robert Australia Past President
Couser, William USA President-Elect
Ritz, Eberhard Germany Vice-President
Barsoum, Barsoum Egypt Secretary General
Neilson, Eric USA Treasurer
Rashad Barsoum Egypt Secretary-General
Klahr, Saulo USA KI Editor-in-Chief
Dirks, John Canada COMGAN Chair
Lameire, Norbert Canada Member
Riella, Miguel Brazil Member

Council 2003-2005


Al Khader, Abdullah Ahmed (Saudi Arabia) 1999 – 2005
Chugh, Kirpal (India) 1999 – 2005
Garcia Garcia, Guillermo (Mexico) 1999 – 2005
Meyers, Anthony (South Africa) 1999 – 2005
Sasaki, Sei (Japan) 1999 – 2005
Solez, Kim (Canada) 1999 – 2005
Tomilina, Natalia (Russia) 1999 – 2005
Bellor?n-Font, Ezequiel (Venezuela) 2001 – 2007
Bergeron, Michel (Canada) 2001- 2007
Coffman, Thomas (USA) 2001- 2007
Corr?a-Rotter, Ricardo (Mexico) 2001- 2007
Lin, Shan Yan (PR China) 2001- 2007
Massari, Pablo (Argentina) 2001- 2007
Naqvi, Jaffer (Pakistan) 2001- 2007
Pollock, Carol (Australia) 2001- 2007
Rossier, Bernard (Switzerland) 2001- 2007
Arnaout, Amin (USA) 2003 – 2009
Bargman, Joanne Miriam (Canada) 2003 – 2009
Drueke, Tilman (France) 2003 – 2009
Feehally, John (UK) 2003 – 2009
Floege, Juergen (Germany) 2003 – 2009
Harris, David Charles (Australia) 2003 – 2009
Ichikawa, Iekuni (Japan) 2003 – 2009
Remuzzi, Giuseppe (Italy) 2003 – 2009
Wang, Hai Yan (PR China) 2003 – 2009
Claudio Ronco (Italy) 2005
Emmanuel Burdmann (Brazil) 2005

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