Kelly Hendricks

Kelly Hendricks

Ce webinar d’ISN va aborder le sujet de l’hypertension artérielle (HTN) et son lien étroit avec la maladie chronique rénale (MRC). Les objectifs du webinar seront d’examiner a) l’hypertension essentielle comme marqueur possible du dysfonctionnement rénal, b) l’hypertension comme cause de MRC et c) l’hypertension comme facteur de substitution progressive vers maladie rénale en phase terminale en MRC. Finalement les options de traitement de l’hypertension en MRC seront discutées. 

The ISN presents a selection of images, articles and abstracts from Kidney International – Volume 14, Issue 1, February 2016 – from our editorial office in Japan.

KDIGO Logo transparentThis webinar is part of a Webinar Series organised with KDIGO.

The webinar will discuss the soon to be released KDIGO Living Donor Guideline. More detailed information of this webinar will be available in August 2016. 

KDIGO Logo transparentThis webinar is part of a Webinar Series organised with KDIGO.

The webinar will discuss the role of the kidney in diabetes complications, help identify the main goals of management in patients with diabetes and CKD and present the current guidelines on how to treat diabetes complications in CKD patients.

Cochrane Library: Corticosteroids for nephrotic syndrome in children



Nephrotic syndrome is a chronic kidney condition that causes leakage of protein through the kidney to cause widespread tissue edema and increased thrombotic and infectious complications. Most children who develop the nephrotic syndrome experience prompt disease remission with corticosteroid therapy (prednisone or prednisolone) – although about 80% of children will experience one or more disease relapses and these relapses can continue into their adult life. Corticosteroid therapy is highly effective at inducing remission but has important negative implications for child health including slowed growth, obesity, impaired psychological well-being and longer term cardiovascular risk. The optimal dose and duration of corticosteroid therapy for children with nephrotic syndrome is uncertain because existing trials provide different results. In this Cochrane review from 2015, prednisone given for 2-3 months was as effective as longer term treatment (6 months) for preventing relapsing disease in children who have their first episode of nephrotic syndrome. Children with relapsing disease benefited from 5-7 days of daily prednisone therapy given at the time of an infection. The side effects of different treatment regimens are poorly understood.



Deirdre Hahn

Dee is a senior nephrologist based at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney. The nephrology department at The Children’s Hospital is a major Australian center for children with kidney disorders including glomerulonephritis.


Elisabeth Hodson

Elisabeth Hodson is Emeritus Consultant Physician in Paediatric Nephrology at the Children’s Hospital at Westmead in Sydney, Australia. She is an editor for Cochrane Kidney and Transplant and has written several Cochrane reviews.


Copyright© 2016 Cochrane Kidney and Transplant. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Ce webinar d’ISN va aborder le sujet de l’insuffisance rénale aiguë et sepsis. Les objectifs du webinar seront de (1) definir l’agression renale aigue et ses differents stades, (2) de reconnaitre l’AKI associé à un sepsis grave, (3) de determiner les elements du pronostic de l’AKI et du sepsis et de (4) steriliser le foyer infectieux et restaurer une fonction renale normale.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016 12:24

Webinar: Mesoamerican Nephropathy

This ISN webinar will bring understanding around the nature of an emerging epidemic of unknown origin, the burden of disease in these conditions and will discuss potential pathophysiologic mechanisms.

This series of video presentations were presented during the 33rd Vicenza Course on Critical Care Nephrology held from June 9-12, 2015. They were given during the Opening Ceremony.

This series of video presentations were presented during the 33rd Vicenza Course on Critical Care Nephrology held from June 9-12, 2015. They were given during Session 10: New Horizons in AKI and CRRT.

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