Categories: Acute Kidney Injury
ISN Ask the Experts
When do you biopsy in patients with AKI?
A patient developed anuria post-delivery by 10 days after severe bleeding – patient was diagnosed with AKI and required RRT. When do you perform a renal biopsy in this case?
How to manage AKI arising in decompensated CLD?
I am a nephrologist getting frequent consults from my gastro colleagues to manage AKI in their patients suffering from decompensated CLD.These are really sick and haemodynamically unstable patients. How would you manage best such patients?
What is your opinion about conventional hemodialysis in oliguric AKI?
I have a problem with oliguric AKI,we have not CRRT in our hospital.Usually my patients have unstable hemodynamics.
I know about benefit of early H.D in hypervolumic oliguric AKI.My question in about the risk/benefit ratio in conventional H.D.
What might be causes of hemolysis with AKI beyond HUS, APS , PNH anf G6FDH defficiency?
49 y.0. female experience attacks of fever, malaiseand jaundice during 20 years. last 2 episodes were with AKI, creqtinine up tgo 860 mcmoll, she needed dilaysis for 7-8 days before resolving AKI, and proven hemolysis – serum free Hb 3.3 (nornal range 0.2), LDH 910 Ul. APL ab and LA are negative, immunophenotyping for PNH is negative, ADAMTS 13 is 62%, no defficiency of G6FDH. Kidney biopsy showed only acute tubulonecrosis, no TMA