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“latitude”: “22.572646”,
“longitude”: “88.36389499999996”,
“address”: “Kolkata, West Bengal, India”
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Our ability to predict the clinical course of AKI is very limited, particularly early in the course. Clinical factors, such as associated severity of illness and presence of oligo-anuria and need for renal replacement therapymayprovide some prognostic information, prediction scores based on clinical factors have shown relatively poor discriminant ability. Whether biomarkers will improve our ability to prognosticate remains an open question. Thus far, the best biomarkers continue to have relatively modest prognostic value, as assessed by the C-statistic (also known as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve).
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“latitude”: “40.44062479999999”,
“longitude”: “-79.99588640000002”,
“address”: “Pittsburgh, PA, USA”