Hemodialysis patients with normal Hb but low iron and ferritin status
Kindly help in the case of a patient with Primary Hyper Oxalurea
Can we predict renal outcome in patients who develop AKI; non-iatrogenic and non-nosocomial?
How do you manage a young female patient with membranous nephropathy and more than 11g/day proteinuria who not respond to steroid alone nor steroid+MMF therapy but had partial response to steroid and cyclosporine. (Proteinuria now 5g/day).
When do you plan a biopsy in a patient with diabetes and proteinuria?
What Is the minimum Blood Pressure at which we can consider starting a CRRT ?
Lupus nephritis class 4 and cellpt or Myfortic patient on dialysis
How do you treat a membranous nephropathy (proteinuria up to 4g/die) in a pregnant patient?
How to manage a female patient with nephrotic syndrome due to FSGS who has become pregnant while on steroids for just one month post biopsy?
In postural hypotension due to autonomic neuropathy, how to distinguish between actual and target blood pressure?
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