A 59-year-old woman with chronic renal disease presented in renal failure with a creatinine level of 4.1?mg%. She had undergone a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass performed 10 years earlier. A diagnosis of oxalate nephropathy was made on renal biopsy. Oxalate nephropathy is a known complication of gastric bypass. Calcium and oxalate in the intestine form calcium oxalate complexes that are then excreted. In the setting of fat malabsorption/enteric hyperoxaluria, enteric free fatty acids are elevated and bind calcium within the intestinal lumen, inhibiting the formation of calcium oxalate.
Authors: Ashley Ward, Devin M Rosen, C Charles Law, Seymour Rosen and Beverly E Faulkner-Jones
Reference: Kidney Int 88: 919; doi:10.1038/ki.2015.31
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