This presentation was given by Stephen Alexander from the Centre for Kidney Research at University of Sydney. It was presented at the ISN’s Forefronts Symposium 2015 taking place in Shenzhen, China, on October 22-25, 2015 for which the theme was Immunomodulation of Cardio-Renal Function’ during Session 2: Innate and Adaptive Immunity and Renal Pathology.
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Presentation Abstract:
Inflammation and repair in kidney disease is affected by both the cognate and innate immune system. Important mechanisms of repair involving Treg protection against innate kidney injury, the role of differing macrophage and DC subsets in models of nephritis and finally the presence of kidney impairment in children with cardiac issues will be discussed.
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Content Type:
Presentations -
Forefronts -
2015 -
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