At the request of Zhihong Liu, President of the Chinese Society of Nephrology (CSN), I was invited to give the opening plenary lecture at the CSN, held in Fuzhou, China.
I also gave a introduction about ISN, including our focus program, 0 by 25, at the start of the session.
The CSN was attended by 5,500 people, including nephrologists, nurses and students. The attendance was excellent, and slides were graciously translated by our hosts so that Chinese and English slides were simultaneously visible to the audience.
A visit to a local hospital was arranged. I viewed the stem cell research enterprise, and had a formal presentation by various staff members (nephrologists, Vice President of the Hospital etc).
I learned about the 2,500 bed hospital, the accomplishments of the nephrology department and their clinical and research activities. I was impressed with the organization of services and accomplishments of the department.
A guided tour of the old city gave me sense of the history of the area, and allowed me to gain perspectives of the area and the local culture. A fantastic dinner for visiting speakers in true Chinese banquet style was had, with much toasting and thanking of all for their contributions.
We have a commitment to work with the membership and leadership of the CSN, to establish and promote common initiatives, develop unique programs in research and care.
With 1.35 billion people, estimates of 115 to 130 Million CKD patients, and governmental support for national programs for CKD, the future of the ISN-CSN collaboration, and thus for the people of china living the CKD, looks hopeful.