I recently returned from an inspiring trip to India. The complexity of medicine presented to me at the Madras Medical College was highly challenging and the fellows were outstanding. Articulate and knowledgeable and a credit to the Indian training systems.
I enjoyed the tour of the unit at the Madras Medical Mission and meeting several people who we invited to speak in Hong Kong. I was highly impressed with the Nephrolife Dialysis Unit in Chennai. It has state of the art technology to deliver high quality dialysis. The staff are highly trained and clearly attuned to quality control and benchmarking studies. Meeting the High commissioner was a highlight and I would like to thank ISN for organizing that.
The meeting in Vijayawada was of very high standard. I enjoyed the Tanker talks, the invited communications and the other plenary sessions very much. Not to mention the social session. I was taken around the sites, including the caves and the Stupa, Temple and saw areas that I am sure are very much off the tourist track!
I visited a dialysis unit in Gunter and again experienced the hospitality of one of the local nephrologists and his family. Suresh and I have talked about collaborative research into the future so I will look at when I get back. Many thanks to Adeera Levin, Georgi Abraham and Suresh Sankar for ensuring I had a memorable educational and social experience.
Last modified on Monday, 25 February 2013 16:26