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ISN Nexus


 LogoNexusNoirRVB    Upcoming Nexus Symposium 2014

New era of drug discovery and clinical trials in kidney disease
April 3 – 6, 2014
Bergamo, Italy



 About ISN Nexus Symposia

Introduced in 2006, the Nexus Symposia format was designed to bridge the gap between basic research and clinical practice by offering a profound focus on translational medicine and clinical application.

The Nexus symposia aim to address the increasingly multidisciplinary approach to kidney health issues by bringing together researchers and practicing clinicians to advance science and treatment around highly targeted and specific themes of current relevance. These meetings enable collaborations to take place with an in- depth focus on real clinical challenges and directions for future research and healthcare solutions.

This new innovative educational format is an important part of ISN’s meeting strategy; three symposia are hosted in different locations over a two year span (one in World Congress of Nephrology (WCN) years and two in off-years) Each meeting is specially structured to include:

  • One parallel-run basic and clinical session per day
  • Followed by translational sessions which clearly link the research to practice
  • Several interactive plenary sessions
  • Ample networking opportunities.

The symposia are organized through the ISN Nexus and Forefronts Core Committee Members who represent a range of inter-related disciplines.

Call for Proposals

ISN is currently seeking proposals from interested ‘Organizers’ for clinically relevant topics that would lend themselves for examination for forthcoming ISN Nexus Format symposia.

pdf_icon ISN Nexus Call for Topics

pdf_icon ISN Nexus Proposal Template


Past Nexus Symposia

Bone and the Kidney

September 20 – 23, 2012
Copenhagen, Denmark

Fibrosis and the Kidney

June 30 – July 2, 2010
Geneva, Switzerland

The Kidney and the Vascular System          April 15 -18, 2010
Kyoto, Japan
Transplantation and the Kidney

September 25 – 28, 2008 
Rome, Italy

Diabetes and the Kidney June 26 – 29, 2008
Dublin, Ireland
Hypertension and the Kidney November 29 – December 2, 2007         
Vienna, Austria
The Bone and the Kidney October 12 – 15, 2006
Copenhagen, Denmark

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