Clinical Research: Multicentre community based mass screening program for chronic non-communicable diseases through evidence based web based program

image GoudaName: Zaghloul Gouda

Hospital / Affiliation: Nephrology department, Damanhour medical national institute

Home Country: Egypt

Host Country: Egypt

Year: 2013

Status of your program: IN PROGRESS



Title of the project: 

Multicentre community based mass screening program
for chronic non-communicable diseases through evidence based web based program


Chonic Kidney Disease 


Short description of the project or abstract:

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) often diagnosed late creating a public health problem with adverse outcome and high cost such as kidney failure, cardiovascular diseases and premature death. CKD is the end result of DM, hypertension, at the same time CKD predisposes to CVD and hypertension. These four non-communicable chronic diseases in addition to obesity increase morbidity, mortality and consume the main bulk of health budget. The developing world can not afford to manage its rapidly rising CKD patients. The best long term option is to resort to preventive and early detection methods for these non-communicable chronic diseases.

Subjects: This is a community based mass screening program with multicenter study linked together through a web based program ( ) for early detection and prevention of NCDs. The total number will be 10000 general community participants’ ?18 years old distributed allover Elbehira governorate through telemedicine application. 

Methods: The participants will be subjected to screening by questionnaire, urine dipstick examination, blood pressure measurements, BMI, and WHR. It will include 5 satellite centers linked by a web based program to the moderator center. Each Satellite center will collect/register data from 2000 participants by the volunteers after an informed consent signed. Who approved to be at risk for CKD/CVD (DM, HTN, CVD, CKD, family history of CKD/CVD, or abnormal urine dipstick) will be subjected to further evaluation by repeating blood glucose/ABP for recently diagnosed diabetics/hypertensives in addition to confirmation of albuminuria by ACR and estimated GFR by CKD Epi equation.

Expected outcomes: Decreasing bad outcomes, morbidity and mortality of these non-communicable chronic diseases in the participants. A large sector of our community members will be discovered to have NCDs for the first time. At the end of this project, we would hope to implement the program allover Egypt through our evidence based web based program.


Learning or Research objectives:

  • Role of telemedicine in improving adherence to NCDs evidence guidelines on a community level
  • Early detection of CKD by cost-effective methods and simple laboratory testing at a time when intervention may favorably affect outcomes
  • Prevention of renal failure by; Early identification of modifiable risk factors for CKD progression and good control of them such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, obesity, anemia, smoking and proteinuria. Also, treatment of correctable causes of CKD in addition to increase community awareness by the problem
  • Building database about NCDs and implementation of preventive program in our country


Screening for NCDs during WKD celebration1Screening for NCDs during WKD celebrationScreening for NCDs during WKD celebration copie


Additional Info

  • Year:
  • Status:
    In progress
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Topics:

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Last modified on Tuesday, 10 May 2016 11:33

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