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Deinterlace to get non-interlaced Video for PC Playback

carl cadd

Wednesday, 08 Dec 2010 10:07

Deinterlace to get non-interlaced Video for PC Playback

do we need non-interlaced video for PC?[/b]
While viewing videos on camcorder, you may find the videos perform perfectly with smooth playback. However, when you put them on computer, you may notice that there are unexpected lines on the videos, especially when there is quick movement. The computer monitor does not like the 1080i camcorder videos. One solution is to get media players that support deinterlacing video when playing, e.g. VLC media player. But it is not stable. Another solution is to deinterlace video using CUDA or Intel technology for PC playback.

to deinterlace 1080i m2ts, mts, mod, tod?[/b]
The 1080i deintelace filter of Aunsoft Final Mate is available at the editing area. The first button is for video restoration, which helps you adjust video and deinterlace video clips. To deinterlace 1080i videos like AVCHD, TOD and MOD, Aunsoft Final Mate provides an easy check for you to confirm deinterlacing files.

Step 1. Import videos from computer.
Click the Import button on Aunsoft Final Mate and browse the .mts, .m2ts, .mod and .tod files on computer hard drive. Each video will be created as a single movie, unless the bunch of videos you imported includes the same format. For example, the screenshot in step 2 is the result when I import two .mts files with the same recording mode, and the videos are merged into a movie.

Alternatively, you can choose File > Add Files to import videos to the Files group, and then drag the video clip to timeline for merging m2ts, mts, tod, mod with the same format.

Step 2. Deinterlace 1080i video.
Click one video clip on timeline, and then click the Video Restoration button. You will face the window below with checkbox for deinterlacing. Tick the checkbox and the selected video will be deinterlaced to progressive mode . The video on the preview window will change accordingly.

Step 3. Deinterlace other videos or movies.
As the step 2 above is only for the selected video clip, you can deinterlace all the videos and movies on Aunsoft Final Mate with the Settings button on Video Restoration window. Choose Apply to Current Movie option, and the video restoration settings including deitnerlacing, brightness, contrast and saturation will be applied to the video clips on the selected movie. The Apply to All Movies option is to deinterlace and remove the interlacing lines of on movies under the Movies tab.

Step 4. Export videos.
While deinterlacing is need, the lossless output is not applicable as output method. Here we choose Common Formats option to convert AVCHD to WMV on Windows .

Even though re-encoding is needed for deinterlacing 1080i videos, Aunsoft Final Mate provides fast conversion speed with computers equipped with NVIDIA video card or Intel CPU by utilizing the CUDA technology or Intel Acceleration technology.

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