Register for the Massachusetts General Hospital course

The Division of Nephrology Department of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital is happy to announce that its latest course will take place from June 6 to 10, 2011 at the Boston Marriott Cambridge Hotel in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Early Registration has been set for March 1st, 2011. For more information, click here . The course aims to update attendees on the latest developments in renal medicine by presenting concise and up-to-date information on the pathophysiology, diagnosis and treatment of renal diseases.

Topics will include pathophysiology and managing fluid and electrolyte disorders, hypertension, acute renal failure, primary and secondary glomerular disorders, tubulointerstitial diseases, chronic kidney disease, dialysis and transplantation.

The format will consist of modules covering intensive board review lectures, case presentations, and “meet the professor“ sessions – emphasizing the physiological principles and practical management of renal disease.

Although the course is tailored towards clinical and academic nephrologists, it will be especially useful to those seeking board certification/recertification. The course may also be of interest to internists, primary care physicians, pediatricians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants with an interest in nephrology and hypertension.

Last modified on Monday, 04 April 2011 13:38

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