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Tuesday, 02 November 2010 16:14

SLANH signs ISN Fellowship agreement

Written by Jesper Lillelund

The Latin American Society for Nephrology and Hypertension (SLANH) has signed an agreement with ISN to offer fellowship opportunities for nephrologists from emerging countries to train in Host Centers in their own region of the world, rather than in North America, Europe or Australasia.

ISN is very enthusiastic about this agreement as it emphasizes the overall goal of the ISN Fellowship Program to build capacity by offering appropriate clinical and research training that responds to local nephrology communities. It will offer more opportunities for fellows who wish to gain training in their own geographical region.

Twice a year the ISN Fellowship Program gives kidney specialists from developing countries the chance to gain hands-on training in advanced host institutions and acquire state-of-the-art knowledge in basic and clinical nephrology, dialysis, transplantation, and epidemiology. They receive specific training to ultimately improve the standards of kidney care in their home country. The next deadline for applications has now changed to December 15, 2010. Click here for more information.

Tuesday, 02 November 2010 15:50

Fellowship Program Session 2010-12 Outcome

Written by Jesper Lillelund

ISN is happy to announce the outcome of the latest Fellowship Program application session. Click here to view the full list of candidates who have been awarded a long or short-term fellowship. ISN would like to thank KRUK, APSN, CREED, ASN and ERA-EDTA for sponsoring this session.

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology (ANZSN) has also agreed to top-up ISN, ISN-CREED and ISN-APSN Fellowships that are hosted in Australia or New Zealand with a total contribution of $10,000 AUD per year, in recognition of the relatively high cost of living.

Several local fellowship were awarded to candidates applying in this round, helping, for instance, African candidates train in other African countries. For the first time, a Saulo Klahr Fellowship was given to the highest-ranked candidate from Latin America. After Saulo Klahr’s recent passing, this fellowship was set up to recognize his great contributions to nephrology and ISN. Fellowships have also been named after the Salmasi family and Otsuka.

Friday, 23 July 2010 17:04

Generous donation to ISN India Committee


Written by Adeline Prieur


The newly-established ISN-India Committee has started to generate much interest and has recently received  a remarkably generous donation of 250,000 US Dollars from Mr Devangbhai R. Patel, Chairman of the Ipcowala Charitable Trust, Gujarat, India.

These funds are set to ensure that the capacity-building activities planned for this year can start. The Committee is dedicated to reducing kidney disease and increasing treatment opportunities for patients in India, by raising funds to support ISN programs across the country. Its main priority is to focus on developing renal pathology centers of excellence and a deceased donor kidney transplant program.

More information on making a donation is available on the IIC section in Programs and Initiatives.

Monday, 01 March 2010 08:27

First ISN GO regional workshop in Africa

Written by Jesper Lillelund

The ISN Global Outreach (GO) Program held its first Regional Workshop on February 19, 2011 in Dakar, Senegal, following the 11th meeting of the African Association of Nephrology (AFRAN) – giving GO participants from the region a chance to network and pick up the latest information on regional committee activities.

Presented by GO Program Chair William Couser, ISN Africa Regional Committee Chair Omar Abboud and GO Educational Committee Chair Sarala Naicker, the workshop attracted some 90 individuals representing many of the 52 African countries, and including AFRAN leadership. It gave ISN GO leaders and the Regional Committee a first hands impression of how these programs are received and look at ways of improving them.

“The atmosphere was very interactive with discussions on encouraging SRC partnerships between developing and developed centers in the same region, and alternative CME formats including mechanisms of presenting CMEs with digital technology,” says Couser.

Participants expressed the value of ISN leader site visits and meeting with government health officials during CMEs as about 90% identified the Internet as their major source of educational material versus meetings, books and journals. The delegation from Cameroon identified five new physicians training in nephrology and a new level C SRC partnership following the ISN GO CME in Yaound? in March 2010.

The next Africa Regional Workshop will be in Ghana in 2013 and others are being planned in Russia and Latin America.

Friday, 01 January 2010 12:29

KHDC Program reaches out to rural Nigeria

Written by Jesper Lillelund

In 2007, Dr Ifeoma Ulasi received a grant through the ISN GO Research and Prevention Program to conduct a screening and prevention program in rural South-East Nigeria, identifying members of the population with symptoms of chronic kidney and cardiovascular disease. This initiative also went as far as to diagnose some cases of cancer.

Ulasi, a senior lecturer and consultant nephrologist at the College of Medicine, University of Nigeria, tells of her experience when a village chief was found to have reduced GFR. “He was referred to the tertiary centre where further investigations revealed he had prostate cancer. He has since been receiving the appropriate treatment,” adds Ulasi.


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