Leadership – ISN Gateway


Leadership (5)

ISN is currently looking for a new editor for Kidney International, the official journal of the ISN focusing on the development and consequences of kidney disease. This position is open to ISN members.

Deadline for expressions of interest is October 1st, 2011. Full applications will be accepted until October 31, 2011.

For more information, read the full job advertissment here or contact Luca Segantini at the ISN Headquarters, e-mail
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ISN Executive Committee members will meet in Oxford for an intensive 3-day discussion about the future of the ISN.

Topics for discussion are:decision_making

  • strategy plan 2012-2015
  • education initiatives
  • membership benefits, categories and fees
  • ISN governance

All members have been asked to give their input to these discussions by responding to some questions during the month of June. We are pleased to say that over 1000 responses have been received, and they will be invaluable in inspiring the decisions and providing the pulse of ISN members needs and wishes.

So, thanks so much for your help, and stay tuned for a report after the retreat is over.

The 2011 World Congress of Nephrology in Vancouver saw ISN councilors cast their vote for ISN leaders. Giuseppe Remuzzi became President Elect and successor to John Feehally who is looking forward to his new role as ISN President.

Feehally is excited about following ISN into the next chapter of its history when it becomes an independently-managed Society next year. He replaces Bernardo Rodr?guez-Iturbe, ISN President from 2009 to 2011.

Other new appointments included David Harris as Publications Committee Chair, Gavin Becker and Toshio Miyata as Council Representatives. Roberto Pecoits-Filho will head the Young Nephrologists Committee and Peter Kerr will lead the Oceania South-East Asia Committee.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011 17:28

Vote for ISN Council members

Written by Luca Segantini

This year, 11 new Councilors will be elected and the Nominating Committee has put forward three names for each of the 11 vacancies. All information is available online. The ISN Council is the governing body of the Society. The duty of Council members is to supervise ISN’s affairs, set policies and define its rules and regulations. All judicial and executive responsibilities for the Society rest with the Council. All Society members are encouraged to vote as Councilors should reflect the various disciplines and geographic diversities that make up ISN.

Sunday, 06 March 2011 20:07

The Acute Kidney Injury Committee

Written by Jesper Lillelund

The committee is engaged in the development of uniform standards for defining and classifying acute kidney injury (AKI) that can be used in clinical research (trials) in patients with AKI. Consensus standards for diagnosing and classifying (staging) AKI that need to be validated in future studies have been developed. 

The Committee is involved with the organisation of several educational courses and organizes its own Symposia on AKI which is typically held as a satellite symposium to the World Congress of Nephrology (WCN).

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