The ISN-ANIO India Committee announces an advanced apprenticeship program. The purpose of this apprenticeship is to give an opportunity to physicians or allied healthcare personnel to train and gain by practical experience specific skills in any field of nephrology, including but not limited to renal pathology, chronic kidney disease, transplantation, or dialysis.
- For example, this funding could be for a pathologist or a technician to train in pathology techniques, or for an individual to train in a specific area of transplantation such as tissue typing or transplant coordination.
- The apprenticeship will offer training of one to three months’ duration
- We suggest that the nephrology leadership in India be pro-active in identifying potential candidates and encouraging them to apply.
- Qualified professional in India in the fields of renal pathology transplantation, or nephrology.
- Other support personnel, working in the above fields.
- The applicant must be able to read and speak English.
The apprenticeship award may only be used to meet the costs of economy class travel to the host institution, as well as housing and living costs during the apprenticeship. The amount of the award will be determined by the ISN-ANIO India Committee based on the location and duration of the apprenticeship.
Application process:
A duly completed form along with (a) home institution’s statement of the need for training; (b) confirmation of the head of department at the home institution that the applicant has been given study leave for this fellowship; and (c) host institution’s acceptance to take the responsibility of achieving the stated goal.
Host Institution Identification:
The ISN-ANIO India Committee will, if necessary, offer assistance in the identification of a suitable host institution for your stated need.
For further information:
Please contact Luca Segantini, ISN Executive Director, at
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Download the application form144.5 KB
Last modified on Friday, 28 September 2012 14:32