Call for applications: ISN ANIO India diabetic kidney disease research projects Featured

Dr Kumar EAP fellowsThe ISN-ANIO India Committee is calling for young nephrologists and diabetologists (both junior faculty and physicians in specialist training) working in India to submit research projects focused on diabetic kidney disease (DKD).

The Committee is welcoming applications for:

  • Clinical research projects directed at prevention and early treatment of DKD

Successful projects should be pragmatic and relevant to the Indian context. 

The maximum funds available for each project will be $25,000 (Rupees 16 lakhs). It is anticipated that a maximum of two projects will be funded through this call. 

A grants committee of eminent nephrologists and diabetologists from India and members of the ISN-ANIO India Committee will assess the applications. Members of this grants committee will offer mentorship to the successful candidates to carry out the proposed research.

Deadline for applications: December 15, 2015.

Application material needed to submit an application: A 4-5 page (A4) project proposal with the headings: Title, Supervisor in India, Background, Aim, Method and Project Timeline.

Co-funder in India: name of funding body to be approached (if any).

Contact: Please send your applications to Sandrine Damster: [email protected] mentioning “ISN-ANIO India Diabetic Kidney Disease Research Projects” in the email subject line.

The ISN-ANIO India Committee is a partnership between ISN, the American Nephrologists of Indian Origin (ANIO) and other nephrologists of the Indian Diaspora. This Committee uses available funds to support innovative programs aimed at improving kidney care in India. The ISN-ANIO India Committee works in partnership with the Indian Society of Nephrology. CLICK HERE for further information.

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Last modified on Tuesday, 01 December 2015 17:56

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