Elsevier to publish KI in 2016 Featured

As of January 2016, Elsevier, a world-leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, is publishing Kidney International (KI).

“We are extremely pleased to have entered into this relationship with Elsevier,” says ISN Executive Director Luca Segantini. “Kidney International serves as ISN’s primary journal for disseminating original research in basic science and clinical medicine to our readers and members worldwide. We are excited about making our journal more readily accessible and discoverable through Elsevier’s innovative tools.”

The decision to publish with Elsevier was the result of a careful review process. ISN Global Education Chair David Harris, says: “We anticipate that Kidney International’s premier position amongst journals focused on the development and consequences of kidney disease will be strengthened through this new association, benefiting our authors, editors, reviewers, and ultimately our readership and members.”

This change in publisher will provide ISN with more resources to further expand on its mission of advancing nephrology care worldwide. “It will allow ISN to dedicate more resources to expanding its presence and its ability in advancing equitable and ethical kidney care through tailored education, research and advocacy in every region of the world,” says ISN President Adeera Levin.

Main changes

ISN members will receive an augmented and improved version of KI, KI Supplements, and, starting in early 2016, a new open access journal called Kidney International Reports (KI Reports). KI Reports is as an online journal publishing a broad range of articles encompassing clinical and translation research that will be freely accessible to ISN members, which will considerably expand the range of articles published by ISN journals. ISN members who want to publish in the open access KI will be able to do so at a reduced rate.

Effective with the January 2016 issue of Kidney International, the journal will include a new section titled Nephrology Digest, which will present summaries of and comments on recently published basic science and clinical investigations of interest to the journal’s global readership. This will replace access to Nature Reviews Nephrology, which as of January, ISN members will no longer receive as part of their membership but will be able to subscribe separately to at a reduced rate.

Additionally, ISN members will have the option to subscribe at a special reduced rate to Seminars in Nephrology, which publishes scholarly review articles on subjects of current importance in the specialty. A 12-month online subscription to Seminars includes an encyclopedic archive of all topical issues from 2001 to the current year.

ISN is also taking the opportunity to streamline its educational offerings across publications, events and online, which will be further integrated to deliver a seamless experience around the Society’s strategic themes.  

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