Francis Delmonico, Senior Advisor to the Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group (DICG), has been appointed to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences. ISN would like to congratulate him on this great achievement.
Through the DICG, Delmonico has shown longstanding dedication in combating global organ trafficking, protecting its victims who are sourced for organs and helping exploited patients.
The DICG’s mission is to promote, implement and uphold the Declaration of Istanbul (DOI) so as to combat organ trafficking, transplant tourism and transplant commercialism and encourage the adoption of effective and ethical transplantation practices worldwide. CLICK HERE for more details.
The group met with Pope Francis in September 2014. This private audience was arranged by the Mayor of Rome to derive support for the principles of the DOI, CLICK HERE.
The Pontifical Academy of Sciences was established in 1936 by Pope Pius XI. Its aim is to promote the progress of the mathematical, physical, and natural sciences and the study of related epistemological problems.
Read the latest DICG news and updates HERE.