This World Kidney Day, The Lancet and ISN are launching an online campaign to raise awareness of acute and chronic kidney diseases and bring together the best available evidence to inform strategies to the reduce national, regional and global burden of the disease and its risk factors.
The Lancet Kidney Campaign builds on ISN’s 2015 Lancet Commission, which called for the elimination of preventable deaths from acute kidney injury by 2025.
Hosted on The Lancet website, the Campaign brings together research and analysis on acute kidney injury (AKI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), dialysis and transplantation from across the journal’s database.
Also launched today is a new video in partnership with ISN, including interviews with ISN President Adeera Levin, Past President Giuseppe Remuzzi, and President Elect David Harris.
The Campaign will provide monthly updates on advances in nephrology as well as expert commentaries and interviews on key health and policy issues relevant to kidney disease. For the launch, there will also be a commentary on the winner of the Affordable Dialysis Prize.
To find out more, CLICK HERE.