Forefronts Vienna: abstract submission and registration open soon Featured

Forefronts logo webAs of April 29, 2016, send your abstracts and register for the ISN Forefronts symposium taking place in Vienna from December 9 to 11, 2016. The theme for this meeting is regulatory RNAs and the kidney.

Non-coding RNAs regulate normal cellular functions but are also critical regulators of disease processes. Therefore, they are being explored as biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets.

Interventions targeting non-coding RNAs have shown great promise, including successful phase 2 studies in patients with HCV-hepatitis. During a span of three days this Forefronts Symposium will cover all aspects of non-coding RNAs and all their biological and potential therapeutic features will be elucidated in depth.

ISN Forefronts Symposia focus on emerging and ground-breaking research. They gather nephrologists and active investigators from surrounding medical areas to explore new scientific domains and review the latest developments in kidney disease. For abstracts, CLICK HERE. To register, CLICK HERE.

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Last modified on Monday, 18 April 2016 15:38

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