The International Society of Nephrology invites its membership to propose candidates for its three prestigious biennial awards.
The Alfred Newton Richards Award, which recognizes outstanding basic research in fields relevant to nephrology.
The Jean Hamburger Award, which recognizes outstanding research in nephrology with a clinical emphasis.
The Roscoe R. Robinson Award, which acknowledges outstanding achievements in the field of education in nephrology.
The awardees are selected from candidates nominated by ISN members.
All ISN members are strongly encouraged to nominate suitable candidates for each of these three awards. You can find more information about each award and the names of previous winners HERE.
The winners of the 2013 Awards will be selected by an ISN Awards Committee, chaired by the President. The names selected by the Awards Committee will then be ratified by the Executive Committee and Council. The selection process will be governed by ISN’s diversity policy. Members of the ISN Executive Committee are not eligible for nomination. Please submit your proposals by filling in the online form available HERE. The deadline for proposal is June 30, 2012. Use the login details you have now received by e-mail to cast your vote.
For each nominated candidate, please also send a CV by e-mail to Sarah Mulholland: [email protected]. Please note that the nominations will not be complete unless the CV is also received by June 30, 2012. Supporting letters (no more than 3 per nominations) are welcome.
If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Mulholland: [email protected]