The ISN Regional Committee for Latin America organized a Regional Workshop during the XVII Congress of the Sociedad Latino Americana de Nefrologia y Hipertension (SLANH) held in Santiago, Chile, from August 20 to 24, 2014.
A great means to communicate and share ideas between nephrologists in the region and ISN leaders, the workshop also helped to inform participants about the ISN programs, latest plans and activities. ISN Programs Chair John Feehally joined ISN Latin America Regional Board Chair Ezequiel Bellorin-Font, ISN Latin America Regional Board Co-chair Laura Sola and ISN Secretary Ricardo Correa-Rotter for a session of presentations and discussion.
Chaired by John Feehally and Ezequiel Bellorin-Font, attendees included several members of the SLANH Executive Committee, other members of the ISN Latin America Regional Board, as well as nephrologists from many countries in Latin America, including countries with fewer resources, and more limited opportunities for nephrology education.
Presentations focused on ISN’s mission, programs and the recent establishment of ISN Regional Boards. Special attention was made to Latin America’s involvement in the ISN Programs through the the ISN Sister Renal Center, Educational Ambassadors and Fellowship Programs. Increasingly these programs take place within Latin America as nephrology grows stronger. Rolando Claure-Del Granado Del Granado (Bolivia) described his personal experience starting as an ISN Fellow and his activities within an ISN Sister Renal Center Pair.
SLANH recently has agreed to co-sponsor the ISN Educational Ambassadors Program for a total amount of 10,000 USD a year, as well as continuing to support the ISN Fellowship Program for an amount of 14,000 USD every year. Eligible candidates must come from Latin America and be a member of SLANH. CLICK HERE for more details.
To find out more about the ISN Regional Boards, CLICK HERE and the ISN Programs, CLICK HERE.