Leadership – Latest ISN News – The ISN Website



Levin DSC0418AISN is delighted to announce that ISN President Elect Adeera Levin has been selected by the Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research (MSFHR) as the recipient of this year’s Aubrey J. Tingle Prize. The prize will be presented in partnership with LifeSciences BC at their annual awards banquet on Thursday April 16, 2015.

Thursday, 09 October 2014 22:00

Gabriel Richet (1916-2014)


Richet portrait face bw webISN announces with regret the death of Gabriel Richet. One of the early giants of French and international nephrology, he was a founding member of ISN. Among his many roles in ISN leadership, he was co-General Secretary of ISN’s first Congress in Geneva and Evian in 1960, and  ISN  President from 1981-84.

Thursday, 02 October 2014 08:18

Claus Brun (1914-2014)


Brun 2001 eupdateISN announces with regret the death of Claus Brun. He was ISN’s second President (1963-1966).


Listen to an interview with Prof. Brun conducted in the context of the ISN Video Legacy Project in 1995.



Interview Transcript

Thursday, 17 July 2014 11:11

Memorial David Kerr



David Kerr portrait webISN is saddened to announce that past ISN councilor David Kerr passed away in April. To read a full obituary published on The Renal Association website CLICK HERE.

ISN logoEpidemics of Chronic Kidney Disease of uncertain aetiology is a worldwide concern. ISN supports scientific and educational efforts to improve outcomes.

Friday, 20 June 2014 15:55

Tributes to Karl Nolph



NolphObitPhoto webThe nephrology community worldwide mourns the loss of Dr. Karl D. Nolph, who passed away at home on the morning of June 16, 2014.  Dr. Nolph was a giant among all of us, helping revolutionize the worldwide approach to patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD).  He is synonymous with the modality of peritoneal dialysis and its development, which is perhaps his most recognized contribution to nephrology and medicine.  

Adeera LevinISN would like to congratulate ISN President Elect Adeera Levin for receiving the 2014 Kidney Foundation of Canada Medal for Research Excellence. CLICK HERE to read the full press release.

HRH Prince Daniel and ISNLast week, ISN President Giuseppe Remuzzi, Peter Stenvinkel and ISN Executive Director Luca Segantini met His Royal Highness Prince Daniel of Sweden, CLICK HERE.

Monday, 26 May 2014 10:04

ISN welcomes new Treasurer



shankland homeThe ISN Executive Committee  is pleased to announce that Stuart Shankland, Belding H. Scribner, Endowed Chair of Medicine, Professor of Medicine and Head, Division of Nephrology at University of Washington, Seattle, USA, will assume the position of Treasurer of the ISN.

Vidya AcharyaProfessor Vidya N Acharya has died at the age of 75 years after a short illness.

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