Visiting Scholars Program

The ISN sponsors a program whereby senior physicians and/or

scientists who are experts in nephrology and related disciplines may spend from 6 weeks to

3 months at an institution in the developing world. Applicants to the Visiting Scholar

Program must focus primarily on ‘hands-on’ activities which have the potential of

improving the quality of patient care, education and/or research in fields relevant to the

kidney at the host institution. Examples of eligible activities include assistance in

establishing a new clinical program such as continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis,

establishing new research programs or new research laboratory techniques, or providing

instruction in basic clinical and scientific techniques of relevance to the host

institution or country.

The stipend, which includes travel and expenses, is US $25,000 for three months
or a prorated amount for a shorter period of time. All applications should be
submitted to the ISN Global Headquarters
and must include a description of the program, its objectives, personal references
and a letter of acceptance from the host institution.


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